
so i found this shxt on blogger where u get to ask random questions to a person with a formspring link. haha so i keep on asking random stuff about this cute girl (FilAm) and she amazingly answers evry question i throw. hmm must b really flattering to her huh.

anyway, life's good. everything's back to normal. im stable with my one and only Louise and i hope i hope that the thing i've been wishing for would come true earlier than i expected. JK. i love her:) thats whatsup! i can wait for that moment where she's ready to commit and so am i. im ready anytime tho. i just need to sort things out! but uhh, if my crazy ass school schedules aint messin with my meetups with her, i'd do it all day everyday. if it's possible 24/7 yo! ahahaha

school's not so good. theres this new dude who gets on my last shxt and fcken annyoning! dude, who can stand a person that so conceited who doesnt even know hes just pretending to be someone hes not. oh c'mon! i feel sorry for him, but what can i say, i gotta step up to the game bcos i have to deal with him for the rest of the sem. uggh WTF?!

i was sickk last week but it ddnt phase me. i can handle stress ya know.

went to Sta. Fe last Sat for Jade's birthday and was late for some grub. lol haha suckka they ddnt know i was coming tho. haha my bad! so i stayed there til 7:30p and partayy. had a few alcohols but i promised not to get drunk tho. im doin this for myself and A NEW GIRL CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING. hmm played Poker and felt victory! ahaaa.

if u wanna ask me something, go ahead tho. leave a comment right under this post!

yesterday was act'ly my first attempt to register for voting stuff in our town and seeing the queue from the outside, was extremely frustrating. it was fckken looong and we didnt know if we could get the forms. after 30mins of waiting (we werent even at the middle) the lady breastfeeding like wtf came running towards the gate and shouted 's*n of a b*tch! we have to go back tomorrow those fckers dont have a form no more' and shii we were like 'damn, this is what we were talkin about!'

Myra and Kaye went to Mancel to chillay chill for awhile. drank a few alcohold wd a couple of our friends (Jeff and Mark). i ran to Erika's house cause she called that we'll b chillen their, watch movies and stuff. so i did! ended up watching horror movies. Man, that was hilarious! hahaha and then had karaoke afterwards. it was fun!

(to be continued...)

keep talkin

oh nigga u know this war aint over yet. it's getting intense forsure and im not sure if u could still keep up.

u keep talkin behind my back and shit, ur a loser or somethin. that's fcken horrible. and trust me, people around u are scared of ur attitude cuz they never know how to trust u anymore. thats obviously not the type of thing for me and when i do, i make sure that every single people i talk to about it will agree with me and i aint tellin no lies and sorry to tell u, they do. lol dont expect urself to win nikkuh.

i sometimes get people's points when they say somethin to me. it's like i make myself think that theres wrong with both of us, but technically there isnt. this is not normal, believe me. ur creepy and u know that! u brag about somethin in which u dont have or own so thats apparently makes u a loser in the first place cuz believe me, people already busted u. they just cant talk to u about it cuz they think it's pretty normal for u to be like that. now u know. whachu gon' do now? well i guess u might wanna keep doing it cuz u can never get the point... obviously.

so enuff with this one. sorry if u'r heart is pounding right. sometimes we need reality check, and yea it hurts.

wheew atlast

so i finished my 1st semester this yr and it was like pheew. it wasnt that easy man, it's not a joke i got into some med school and the curriculum is just plain crazy. tho im having fun wd everything. my classmates, teachers and activities, i think theyre all worth it.

i wasnt sure tho if im still gonna pursue my course since im having a hard time figuring out why i dont excel that much. i do actually. but it's not like i do with some things, u know wha'm sayin?

maybe because of the school, maybe because of my classmates, maybe because of my teachers or maybe it's just because of me. it's all about having motivation right? but shit, i aint got nuthin of it.

im trynna do everythng i can to make my parents proud of me even just for this yr. or nxt year or another years to come. just like my brother who excels academically. i dont wanna compete with him, i just want to do it for myself cuz i havent felt successful in school this yr. lol
hopefully, next semester i'll do good. lol

school today was whack. had 'session' at Kristy's apartment after last period wd few classmates. it was fun and somebody's 'drinking' virginity just popped. it was friggin funny.. and weird. Eva was crying the whole time and knowing that it was her first time, we kinda helped her from the apartment off to her house. i was sober tho, me and Claire actually. YEA!

it was raining and shii, i didnt like it. it was fcken cold and felt like i cant move from where i stay. i met up with Kc at Star Mart to talk about stuff and she gave me a present (for my birthday) - thanks by the way:)

nuthin more interesting. ZZZZZ

My Birthday Wishlist!

it's my 18th birthday TOMORROW (Oct. 4)!


(JK. if you want to tho. LOL)

God's guidance primarily!
a girlfriend that doesnt front - who can show me her REAL side.
to finally drive my own car.. and a license
New Nike Maverick (size 9)
Canon EOS 60D
a Stussy or Supreme Shirt (checkered or plain will do)
Shoutout Video from friends and families (YouTube)
a party that everybody wouldnt forget!
trips (Hawaii or Phuket - where i can stay on a beach wd friends and families)
a Lakers jersey (24)
a kiss/hug from everyone
to pass my grades in finals
iPod headset
wider room for all my stuffs
Vans Authentic (any color size 9)
backstage passes to FrayxLinkin ParkxRed Hot Chilli PeppersxKanye WestxKid CudixDrake
(just simple requests. i dont want anything that could b really expensive. im a practical type of guy so im contented with pretty much anything)


still thinking more...
thanks tho.

-Gin Pedrosa


for not blogging.
man, im busy as fckk.
cant even concentrate on my practicals and im pretty stressed right now.
but i still blog for ya'll tho.

hows everybody hangin (ahaha as if u could answer this one)
i hope ya'll stayin chill right there and imma update very very....SOOON.



Lag to Blag.

Apology for the readers. Havent blogged for 546981237 yrs due to hectic stuff thats goin back and forth and seems never ending. And stuff that i need to take care of,more importantly. But i still blog tho and hopefully by nxt wk,i can blog as often as possible.

So wsssuh guys? Wanna hear from u:-)
Visit my tumblr btw: (i thnk u should) LOL


-Gin P.


i always lag to blog. and sorry for that. ahahaha

so today was pretty exhausting. had class at 7:30am then General Orientation at 9 which suckked bigtime cuz it was freakin hot and i felt like i was a roasted chicken at that moment, sweating and stuff. it wasnt fun at all like we were desperate for it to end cuz it was boring and we hear the same thing over and over again. the intermission numbers were funny tho it was quite embarassing for them. LOL sorry for that! haha it happens often tho.

waited for Philosophy teacher that afternoon but no show so i went to Star Mart to meet up with KC and she was there. my phone bills gone way high and im pretty sure dad will get mad. hahaha i bought a prepaid sim now and im all good. im using two phones for the mean time cuz it'd b hard if i dont! lol im the class mayor just so u kno. ahaha so i receive all the calls and texts from the teachers. bleeeh but i hate being a mayor tho and i feel like im not responsible in that kind of position at all. but hey,it's my first time so imma try my best. lol

im waiting for the trip out of town wd some pals and im hoping it'll b forsure cuz it'd b legit and coool! im hella excited for it.
getting a girl is in the process AHAHA and i kno that i have a big chance. not to b conceited or something tho cuz i dont wanna be depressed or frustrated someday if ever that wont happen but im really hoping it would! dannggg


and TERRY!


Michael Jackson

remember him for his music and contribution to pop culture.
not for his negative shit ass controversies!

Rest in Peace MJ! the music will still be treasured from generation to generation.

Fathers' Day Part 2

apology for not updating very often now due to class and stuff and i gotta say, (i kno it's pretty stupid but i got an excuse for not updating somehow). skool's effin exhausting! and u dont wanna kno why,but i'll still tell u tho. ahahaha yesterday was apparently first day of the weekdays ahaha so skool's started like usual from 7:30am-4:00 and i still had my Philosophy class at 4:30 but i was too tired and felt like imma b sickk so i didnt attend my class. hmm

so i went home early like i got here around 4:45 cuz i had to do some errands for mom. uugh it's still for me tho - just bread and butter.lol

so when i got here, i ate like a couple of butter sandwiches and drank milk YUMMY.bleeeh! and afterwards,i txt msg a few friends and fell asleep at around 6 or somethin. i fell asleep lyk crazy and i didnt kno what happened. funny part was, i wasnt able to get up for dinner so i ended up waking up at around 4am and i was hella hungry and damn,i was like WTF?! it's freakin 4am!! and what happened?! uggh somebody didnt even notice me sleepin all night. oh man! so i found chips in tha fridge and the soda in can that i left earlier. i ate them like i havent eaten for a year. JK but seriously,i was damn hungry! it was a dope experience tho and i somehow laughed at myself but cursed skool. JK JK i still love skool. AHAHA loser! :)

i got back to sleep around 4:30 and woke up at 7.

so main point: FATHERS DAY part 2
(this is just short cuz im feelin a lil lazy now.lol)

Sunday was Fathers' Day. and woke up very early to check on dad but he wasnt home (they went to church very early) so i surfed the net on my phone and sent him a mms msg wit a fathers day picture and short message tellin him some stuff. ahaha it wasnt really emotional.

we went out of town to visit lolo - it's like a family tradition, visiting grannys during their special days.hmm
it was cool and fun. my cousins and i played Ninjas and it was soo much fun! ahahaha i think my skills improved now. LMAO

that night, brought sister to the airport leavin for Manila for an interview idk while mom was at home busy cooking dad's favorite dishes of all time and she tried really hard and it somehow paid off. HAAA it was tasty tho and the hot wings were tha bomb! i can still taste it from my fingers. wahaha

had dinner at home and it was cool u kno. bonded wd family and stuff and i can see dad was really happy. afterwards, went to Cafe Bobs to chill wit them for awhile and they had massage afterwards while my bro and i stayed at McDonald's for awhile. had some deserts(ice cream n stuff) hot chocs and iced tea at Felicia's. then went home. overall,it was fun and dad deserves that break after all he's done. BEST DAD EVER! :)

BM: Dad's Day Part 1

it's not Fathers's Day yet (thats tomorw) but im chillen now with dad. So tonight,we headed here at East Billiard where we can enjoy his favorite game. i havent been on a match with my dad cuz my brother's apparently unbeatable.lol
I was so close to beat him but my last shot (supposedly) suckked! Lmao
No big deal tho,i dont technically kno how to play billiards lyk a pro! Ahaha
Just for fun.

So it's almost 11pm now and we aint tired at all. still got a couple of destinations to go. haha
This is dads break and he should enjoy evry minute of it forsure.lol

I gotta grab hot choco now or somethng with caffein (except for coffee) to keep me on the run tonight.lol

Thats it for tonight readers and theres a part 2 tomo or the next day.boo dpends if i aint gonna b lazy again.:-D

peace and happy fathers day to ur dads.hee

BM: Chillen

Trish and I at star mart right now.
Chillen lyk we just had a big break from skool.lol
Classes from weekdays and weekends.and thats wtf
Uggh! Skool's getting stressful now.
Ahaha like my English teacher tho.shes tha bomb! She works at UN thats why she does part time.lol
And anytime,she'd b called to travel across asia. Sickk right



1st week of skool and im late for 4days in a row.
LMAO i almost had one absent for 3days late.
and they still voted me as their class president.
uggh thats pretty lame! and im serious.
lol idk how imma handle this one but i kno forsure that i'll do my best tho i kno imma fail.ahaha
so skool starts at 7:30 tomo so i better sleep now before it's a 5days late in a row.wtf

Random Pic.

Oh you know, just a couple of things i need to sweep away boredom at skool.LMAO


im feelin nuthin when it comes to studies.
uggh my mom has been pressuring me to study harder for tha course i took and believe me it's getting pretty lame.
3rd day of classes wasnt fun at all and im late 3times in a row and it's WTF? teacher aint mad or somthin tho cuz they said they understand the adjustments but i dont get it.
when im trynna screw up things on purpose,it goes directly opposite. and when i wanted somethin so bad,it becomes impossible. not at all but believe me,i've been tryin to get something/someone that i wanted so bad and regreted that i let it/her go but now,seems like im doing extra efforts to achieve it.

im trynna figure out a lot of things lately,with my life,how i roll wd girls,studies,parents,stuff. everythng seems so awkward yet im lovin it but im also hating it. wth!! thats what im trynna firgure out as of this moment. if im doin everythin right or im screwing every single detail involved.

skool tomorrow! uggh im tired already thinkin about it.LMAO and oh well,im extremely disappointed that i dont get to have a new classmate (transferees and etc) in my class that are cute and all that. im planning to transfer to another class if that would b possile.AHAHA

BM: it's getting hot!

Second day of skool isnt that cool.ahaha! we had to discuss alot of topic and it's freakin eshausting.

The generators arent working as of now,so we chillen forawhile bfore we resume the class.wtf

BM: Today..

Ahaha Lakers won! And Kobe's the MVP,no doubt to that. Watchin the replay now.
Lol cant get enough of it.

So skool already started and it was exhausting. Orientations n stuff,haha i ddnt attend tha morning classes cuz i was at the airport (tita arrived) and do tha usual thing everytime i go there.lol talkin about RASPBERRY ICE CREAM yummyyum!lmao

So tomorw i gotta b early to skool,theyre damn tight wd the 'late' policies and fckk that cuz im always late.ahaha it's gunna b boring forsure so i better prepare my iPod charged and my phone.lol

Thats a wrap.beena while since i last updated! Ciao

MB: Lakers Why?

Uggh!a big dsappointment that Lakers lost the game 3.rooting for them for the whole 4hours was somthng i did to get my mind out of the things thats been bugging me lately and watchin them lose was too much of a prob. Orlando was all over the place trynna make their state proud (since they had it at Amway Arena,Flo) and they freakin did and i feel hella sorry for Lakers. idk if they lose it on purpose to make the Finals longer but i kno forsure that Kobe aint a loser at all.his head was in the game all the time (tho i couldnt see it by the face). Lakers should catch up on game 4.it's just 2-1.theres still more coming up.imma watch imma watch..

So ysterday,i was watchin the Dallas replay game. Chuck had the balls to say Melo has a better jumper than Kobe..ARE U SERIOUS?? dont get me wrong,melo has a nice shot,but it's nuthin compared to Kobes. Lets look at the accuracy,lets look at the stats, and also who is the best closer in the NBA? pretty sure son,it's kobe and the whole Lakers team!

And oh btw!i lost the bet between me and my cousin.and we decided that a meal at Mac's just a good way to go.lmao

MB: Uggh

I wasnt suppose to blog til later bcause i had a lot of things to do. but i was thnking about u guys or somthing.haaa.

Aight here we go..
queing to enroll is prolly like one of the stressful jobs in skool esp when u aint got no one to talk to.good thng i have my phone always right here to keep me busy. Txt msging's a good way to go tho.and basically much easier to kill time.people behind me are ironically pissed off (they prolly didnt kno the exact queing system thats why they got off the wrong line.haaa) i could tell by the face cuz Rizza and her crew looks sore back there.
sorry bout that.lol
haha meanwhile,i got a pile ups of things to do today. It started wd watching the Lakers game ealier and shii,they won!! Yea!!
No doubt tho.with or without overtime,i kno that fosho.atually ended up arguing wd my cousin cuz hes for the Orlando.pssh whateva,
i still won and i wont pay no bet cuz i kno Lakers will defntly make it.aigh aight..
Yea..6games to go! Lmao

i have to finish all this (enrollment stuff) today cuz im doin somethng tomrw and prolly the following day/days. so it's gunna b now or never. Jk jk.

So just updating and askin backk wsssup cuz i noticed myself not getting on this blog for a week now so sorry if i lag :(

I'll keep the updates posted and im pretty much blogging through my phone now most of the time act'ly. pictures are considered low quality if thats the case.lol

and oh! - hella excited for the meet ups tomrw wd a couple of homies.it'd be sooo much fun again f'sho.havent seen them over summer snce May 1st and dang,missed them already. Off to Macs or prolly somwhere but Mr. D.lol idk
Dpends on the majority tho so imma go wd the flow.

So sickk.

of blogging..
jk jk sorry for that.

haha prolly said that cuz i havent updated fo like ages now.
im act'ly sayin im sickk of skool! class starts on Monday and havent finsihed the enrollment.
oh fckk that,im tired and im pretty bottled up now.haha
all i wanna do is go to Manila and visit my cousins there, and prolly i might wanna study there for the next 4yrs.haha

aight so mny thoughts are hella random and idk how to keep up wd everthng now esp wd my blog.
but im still goin on and finding time to do this shit..

and oh! mobile blogging is poppin nowadays. and im doin it myself like almost every updates i got here.so ya'll check it out! aight aight.

another first time..

to mobile blogging through WiFi in my phone and it's damn cool.im at Star Mart right now and the WiFi's amazingly fast. Im blogging through my Windows Live email. It works anywhere even without WiFi. Only problem is the charges applied but overall,i think it's pretty cool.

Oh yea,chill wd cousin later at 9.

Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Get 25 GB of free online storage. Get it on your BlackBerry or iPhone.


It's 3am and i basically cant sleep.
I dont kno why but i have to sleep now!
man, got alotta things to do tomorrw.

Havent enrolled
Do some errands from sis
Meet up wd someone

Can anybody pls...give me some useful tips for insomniac people?i think i badly need it.ughh

First time..

To mobile blog through my Nokia E63 and it's tolly kickin! U should try it uself.lol meanwhile, gotta fix my docu,ents for enrollment tomorrow.dad will b mad forsure.aight bye!


just got nuthin to say at all.
so i went to Mac's Lacson and met up wd cousin and man,havent seen her for ages.
like seriously, last time we met was prolly like a couple of months ago. and really good seein her. we were basically crackin up the whole time.
i had to tell tons of stories and good thing she got time for it (hope she wasnt bored). idk tho,

when we were young,we bonded like crazzzyy. used to mess up rooms. playin video games and fight through it lol. sang on karaoke together and played wd guns (toys) and just enjoy being kids. well seems like,i shifted from that to now and felt now our worlds are not pretty much the same at all.
all grown up now and all i can think is makin the most of it and my cousin is still part of it.

so talkin wd her made me think of my life back in ol' lil ways where i used to go to Lolo's house,chill and play like a kid (you know getting dirty,messed up and stuff) and i fckkin miss it. i hope my family from all over the world could have a new jampacked reunion at Lolo's like back in the day when i was prolly 6? 7? ionno. and i still visualize it that someday,it'd be the same reunion, same fun and same people(or extended) but of course dferent ages.

ughh so afterwards,went to skool to look for my teacher. i was lookin everywhere and finally got to her office and wtf she wasnt even there. she has a leave and be backk for a week and psssh whatever,i aint chasin her no more. too bad for me tho i wont b able to enroll. oh fckk! but i can still ask favor tho or prolly just call her and tell her to get back ASAP. lol that'd be kickass for the first time to do it.hahaha oh crap, i havent even finished my clearance and it's due on Monday! i gotta get my ass off tomorrow mornign to skool bfore i totally screw everythng up. hope dad never finds out all about this. im a dead meat if he does.LMAO

it's getting pretty late and thats all for now.

Funny Shit.

Girl from Nogales High.
this was all over YouTube now.lol
really sorry but it's hella crackin.



checkin my time now,it's exactly 12am and i feel like i have slept for 48 hours previously cuz i havent been feeling sleepy since earlier today.

today wasnt dope at all. it's boring,exhausting (from alot of stressful situations), irrelevant, useless,depressing,and just plain ordinary day but prolly worse than that. i havent gone out of this house all day looong and i've just been eating my ass off and sleeping all day. more like a couch potato or ugggh.

i've been keeping myself busy editing my blog and networking layouts and talkin to homies and classmates over YM and phone cuz i need infos right now. i feel dumb. skool's about to start,well not really. it'd start prolly on 15th and i still havnt found any of my summer class teachers to sign my clearance. i procrastinate man, bigtimeee and i feel like im not in the mood to go to skool this week. or week after this. if dad hasnt been telling me over and over again to go to skool,sign my clearance and enroll as early as possible,i wouldnt have gone there last Wednesday. but oh well,my classmates are taking care of it. they send my updates about the teachers' schedules and im a one lazy ass person stuck here at home watching dvds and sleep all day long.

now tell me, is it still part of growing up? like physiologically normal? pshhh whatever!
i feel like an old person now. well,im 17 and my 18th birthday is still way too far but i keep asking myself 'am i still functioning?' LOL i know it's a really really weird question and i actually think im going insane right now but thats prolly one thing that motivates me in doing useful stuffs. somethings keeping me from it tho and im still figurin it out. woah it just reminded me of one of the 7 deadly sins, sloth.LOL

ironically, i just found out that the girl that i've been having crush on actually came from the US and her name's Gina Jae. remove the 'Jae' and 'a' from Gina. it becomes Gin and we live in tha same village and go to the same past-time place every afternoon. well, thats not weird at all,it happens really. Tho not most of the time and im just glad that im about to get acquainted with her. Dang, Andrew (her cousin) should better take care of it. i made a deal with him in replacement of my PSP for a week.LOL

it's really getting late and i better wrap this up before my parents caught me staying up late while imma b doing something important early tomorow morning.so Ciao!

New Layout.And Help!

so i created this one and found out that i kinda messed up the post entry font color.Idk what happened.I just changed the page background color and all of a sudden the font followed the background color and i tried to change the color back to BLACK but it still wont work.I need help (tho i tried everything). Thanks!


that makes it 2 blogs in one night.Nah,just a result of boredom and trust me,it aint gonna b this way all the time.i procrastinate just so u kno.lol
randomly..my mind has been experiencing alot of stress from skool upto boredom results to psychological fatigue LOL im getting weird now.And now u seeeee.

i hate having so much money and just spend it to some stupid shit.Honestly,im trying to save it's not working at all.Since then! Even if i'd wanna have stuffs that i wanna buy for myself and want to buy it by myself,i still couldnt do it and ended up asking money from my parents or from my bro and sis (theyre generous-i am generous,but theyre actually way generous) aight cut the crap.This week,i havent spent money that much cuz i stay all day every day at home watching some dvds or going out with KC and kicked it at her house and theres no event to attend to.No parties for now, but prolly tomorrow (weekend) imma go to Pagcor or Metrodome for some party but i still have to convince my parents about it and i hope it'd work.LOL

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: dont apply for credit cards it you're not good for it.Just try depositing in a bank and withdraw it whenever u wanna buy something cuz teenagers just cant resist on too much buying stuff and ended up spending their accounts if they have to.Thats pretty much a fact!hahaha

im so sick of skool.

its not cute seeing friends anymore. hey i see some at skool, but going out is something i miss, but dont really look forward to. i feel like all that mess is overrated.

Lakers didnt make it and it suckks bigtime! without Kobe Bryant on the playoffs kinda bores me but Lebron is keeping up in here but it all seemed like he has this determination to win and people around doubt if the rest of the Magic team just wanna be superstarsand just get into the finals.It kinda seems different but either way,they have to prove themselves right and show what they can bring on the table.It's gonna be a hella exciting championship here.

and that wraps up the things that are bugging me at the moment. im sorry i kinna wrote that for myself. and if someone is reading, sorry for wasting yout time. haaa. i miss blogging and taking pictures, but motha fckk ive been so busy to do this mess nowdays. bleh bye.


Yea so breakin it down.Theres been a pile up of foods (desserts,etc) in the fridge right now that are totally bomb all brought by my parents and relatives from some some.Nuthin much,im just trynna do some different things in my blog.Summarize-ation:

Krispy Kreme doughnuts
Calea's Blueberry Cheesecake
Hazelnut Brownie Ice Cream

Those easy to made Sushis
and Cranberry Juice

i've been really bored guys and sorry for posting nonsense stuffs here.lol dang,my appetite are juicin up all the time and imma go grab one for now.

Week At Home..

was hella boring.Had a super talkin talk talk with buddy KC (thank goodness she called-shes busy too tho thats why lol).
had to go somewhere else but apparently no allowance cuz my summer classes are over so im pretty much stuck at home all day every day this week.
My mom was considerate tho so she had been giving me manee whenever i go out (even just play video games haha)
I went to skool last Tuesday and shocked that i saw Fred and kinda surprised at the same time cuz man,i havent seen that homie for ages and i missed hanging out.Fresh as ever!
Fred,man,if you're reading this,we gotta hang out all day.3 of us (JC) can kick it.
So as i said,summer class is officially over and im free to do whatever i want again.Free from exams and studyin stuff so for now,party every night (if possible though).
Im confident that i passed a couple of subjects and worried about that ONE tho.But i just have to show my permit to the teacher and thats all she need to mark me as 'passed'.it feels like an accomplishment for me finally getting away from skool and have a break.JK
Uggh i missed Kim and i gotta see her before she leaves :(
i was shocked the first time i saw her display photo on Facebook (the two of us together lookin like we're officially in the zone LOL) and i was like, "danggg,i misss you Kim.Im sorry if im busy these passed few days but i'll make up to you,i promise!" - if i could just tell her that.

i need to update this blog but for some reasons,i couldnt.Something's keeping me from pouring some shit here but i have to.Problem is,dont have one right now.But dont worry guys,im gonna spill some crazy shits in here as soon as i get one.Meanwhile,it's soo late and my eyes are tired now - been talkin to some ex classmates over Yahoo and i missed them so much.Uggh i wanna organize a reunion.Too bad i dont have contacts from some of them.thats a wrap guys,next time.



Physics exam is finally OVER,thank goodness.LOL and it wasnt hard at all (talkin about alot of sources to cheat).Im a bad student i kno! But it was freakin hard like my head was spinning round and round solving problems by myself and i couldnt even get the right asnwers so i got answers from the people around.And i kno-100% sure everybody else did except for the few smart ones which we call 'sources' LMAO. So for now,i just wish i passed it,not jus the exams but the whole grade.And i wont b retaking it cuz it'd absolutely suckkkkk.

Today's been a stressful day for me after hearing news about something i wanted that i couldnt have for now.But thats a no big deal tho.I kno i can have it.Skool's gooood,one last exam this Sunday and summer classes will be finally over.Met up with JC,Nin,Mav last night and it was awesome.Havent seen them in like 9827394874 years,JK.I still have to see Fred tho,and Kevin and the rest of the group.Man, i hella miss my homies.


Oh Hey!

so summer skool's ending in like a week and for me,it's pretty much a new experience for me cuz i havent had summer classes before - unless i failed one but i havent and summer classes right now is actually required so not a big deal for me. It's ending tho and then another semester coming up so shii,i must complete my signing of clearance by the end of the week and enroll as the 'first one' as possible cuz i need to get in my section.Grrr first come frist serve now so i better get going. And speaking of skool,i think im not failing.My grades are ok.I think theyre just fair,nuthin to worry about.Except for Physics which actually sucks and i hate bigtime.Uggh,i just have to finish my one last exam and it'll be all gone in my mind.HAHAHA - why do skool's put up subjects in the curriculum when students arent even interested in taking it? I kno most of you prolly agree with me.I'd prolly take Physics if im taking Engineering classes or Math if i take Accounting.HAHAHA either way you look at it,it's useful yet stressful.

Aside from that,life's been good.Im not having problems no more.A1H1N1 (swine flu) aint gotten here in the Philippines and we're absolutely free from that and i thank God for that.Girls are handy :) LOL.Weather's still getting hotter and hotter and f*ckk the global warming (and people themselves not having concern about it-im afraid im one of them but im taking responsibilty now hahaha weird).It's raining sometimes cuz it'll b fckk if it's all the time.I miss my cousins and i gotta see them before summer break ends :(

thats a wrap guys.
Stay tune for more.



i dont see myself signing in blogger anymore.it's like,im preoccupied with pretty much everything right now - skool (summer classes), family, some stupid problems, girls and etc. Idk why im not signing on even just once a week tho.hmm but i still like blogging i just dont know when or how - stupid right?lol

but i guess from now on,im gonna update it. Not too late to make a resoulution. oh yea DELETE that cos i know i aint gonna fulfill it anyway.HAHA

-Gin P.

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well,i dont post updates here anymore.Not cuz i dont want to but because i've been busy lately and sometimes,i couldnt just type a detail in my computer.Whenever i go online,i just check messages on Facebook,MySpace,Multiply and friend's updates here in blogger but i kindof feel lazy in typing stuffs here.But now,here i go.LOL i dont procrastinate much now cuz i know that imma have summer classes and i really shouldnt procrastinate starting off with blogging.LMAO well,life's been good lately.I get a chance to go out with my elder sister again.Shes prett cool now.Then,no girlfriend for now and im hella bored with my life:( i desperately need one right now.hahaha how i wish i could find a date within this month.School's getting tougher and idk if i can survive summer classes.Hopefully i could cos damn,as if i have a choice.I wont go for 5years!Holy week's just okay.I didnt do much over the week but i was bored staying at home and parents went out of town so i kicked it at Kc's house (it was good Friday) and noticed that the streets were hella calm and there were VERY few cars on the road.I was at church since Wed cuz i had to attend our church's convention and it was pretty tiring.Rollo and Jason slept at my house.It was fun tho my room was all messed up now.hahaha im having problem with sleeping tho (JK) but seriously these past few days,i noticed that i can do more stuffs during midnight til dawn especially with blogging (like what im doin right now) and it kinda feels amazing but im just a lil bit concern about my health.hmm

so i have to go to school tomorrow to finish my enrollment for summer classes and damn,im a one lazy ass kidd cos summer class starts tomorrow and i still havent enrolled yet.Idk but for some reasons,i dont feel like having a concern about school at all thinkin that it's only summer classes and i can ditch anytime.Depends ont he teacher tho but hopefully my teachers are nice and they should be!JK.I think i should just attend on Wednesday.I have no idea about my classmates but im pretty much sure that few of them havent enrolled as well.LOL lame!

I've been thinking lately about watching The Fast and Furious 09 and Friday the 13th with KC and im just thinking about the right time to do it.Im depsperate to see her now cuz we havent hanged out in like 2387974 years.(oh i think her boyfriend would go with her too but no prob at all.Kyle and i are good friends).


Aight so imma have summer classes starting next week.Hmm suckksa but i gotta do it.Or else imma have 5years in school and i hate it!

So in short,i wont have anymore options but to do it.Im kindof excited tho.It's like my first summer class ever.Like,i havent experienced this since then and it makes me somehow excited and cant wait for it.LOL having summer classes is alright.Umm,it's not that bad knowing that you'll have the same classmates and school ofcourse!LOL But i shouldnt have absences tho cos it'll really affect my grades.It's 3months with 3 subjects so what'd you expect?Half-day everyday?Nah,it's gonna be whole day and lemme tell ya,subjects arent that easy.Physics!ugggh!And Philosophy (tho i dont have any idea what'd come out.hahaha).

Enrollment started last week and i havent gotten it done.LOL it sucks tho cos the school didnt have the class schedules last week and they just released it last Friday and the heck,i didnt bring my cars,fees or whatever.Lame!And now,it's Holy Week so apparently,no office hours in school.I dont even know if there's a teacher there but i wont take chances.Im not going there this week forsure cos i have to do alot of stuffs especially in church (church's convention's coming up like a couple of days from now and it's gonna be hella busy-FUN tho) and homies as well.Imma be watching The Fast and The Furious 09 sometime this week so yea!fun way to chill.hahaha Cousin R will be sleeping at my house,together with Jase and prolly Justin.Idk.And i need to buy new dvd's now cos im hella bored stayin at home and aint got nuthin else to do.Ughh!

And lastly,i need to make a blog draft about my 3days vacation at Sipalay and i gotta edit those vids on YouTube.

Stay tune guys cuz updates will be following after this week.LOL

thanks for bearing with me.hahahaha


Night with SisterrDear.

it was a dark night (like literally), it was the EarthHour event actually and noticed alot of people participated.hahaha it was a one-time event,prolly happens every year.My sister was at Lacson that night cos she had to attend the graduation after-party of her friend.Decided to go there cos i knew i could ride home with her.On my way,Lovelle texted me if where i was and i said going to McDonald's Lacson to document the event and she said 'cool!i'll wait you here.streets lights are all off and you might pull off your documentations.Text me as soon as you got here' and i was like 'Alright'.

Didnt catch her tho:( cos they had to go home due to her curfew.But it was cool seeing her,i mean after 39872998 years,i thought she's gone but she will never be.I know that forsure. :)

Didnt get the chance to take pics cos i was late!hahaha the lights were on as soon as i got there at Lacson and i was like,WTF??!My effort and all that was all thrown out and i feel like going home frustrated.JK JK

Sis texted me that theyre done with tha dinner and they were at Dunkin Donuts.So i went there and chat with some of her friends.Then off to Mac's cos i was hungry.hahaha took pics and vids.LOL and the two of us just talked about random stuffs.


Fries Eating Contest: "Can You Beat Me?"LOL

head to Venez Cafe.There were a lot of people there and before going to Sorrento,i took this.hahaha check it out!

Then head to Sorrento,then went home.Pics are at my multiply.


Who Would've Thought

that a person you trust actually someone who can betray you.LOL truetrue and fckk it cos they are deceased to society i mean,people nowadays are whack.Theyre fake! and began on hating on each other but i dont give a fckk on it cos im forreal and i guess imma stay that way.PERIOD PERIOD. Lol

thats a pretty random thought tho.Dont mind it!hahahahaha

so i was reading a blog about random people over myspace,blogger,multiply,facebook and etc and ended up searching for chicks hot photos on the internet and look what i got...

it's Megan Fox,my future wifey.LOL im having some freakin dreams right now but im sure as hell that someday i can meet her.Like a year,probably 2years?three?5?8?....OHH im depressed.Nah,i kidddd but i seriously wanna meet her that if i could rent a private jet right now and fly all the way to Hollywood and have a date with her,im gonna be the HAPPIEST man that ever existed on the Earth.hahahaha thats exaggerating i know.LMAO

So back to my thoughts,i really wanna make this straight...


1. I have to get everything done in school starting with the teachers followed by enrollment.Ughhh!
2. I need to ask money from people right here right now for my trip 3days from now but idk if it'll really happen.My homies shouldnt be whackk!
3. I should persuade my sis to drive me a couple of weeks from now to tha airport to give my princess a ride home.You'll know who she is.JK
4. I have to follow my goals on my previous blog entries.
5. I have to buy books for summer classes. (Ughh,why do we have to suffer like this?!LOL)
6. And i need to eat,bath and sleep now.I have to be early at schooo tomorrow.

-this has been GinPeeeee once again:) :)


so i woke up this morning reading a couple of "good morning!" messages on my phone and didnt reply.I was bored staying at home cuz it's just me and the maid left again and i have no NEW dvds right now.So i watched the very last episode of Prison Brek Season 3 just so to get rid of boredom.Then afterwards,i checked my phone in my room and read Dawn's message saying that i should go to school ASAP cos our Biology teacher was gonna talk about our grades and all that.

So i got ready and rush onto school and when i finally got there,it's like a no big deal thing like,everything's just as normal as it is!Damn,lol.So i approached my teacher about my grades and she showed me the papers and everything and found out that i passed all of it!YEA! So she signed my clearacne.Talked to Dawn for awhile and went home.

So my day at school went out well so far cuz i didnt get to hear some bad news.


I was watching Jabbawockeez videos on YouTube and idk what channel does the 'AMERICA'S BEST DANCE CREW' air but i do know that theres a show on MTV but i certainly think that it aint that one.LMAO I watched their performance during the Laker's Game and their dance back in 2005 on the same show and theyre damn amazing!And some of them are Filipinos just so you know (about 5 of em?) how sickkk is that?And uhm,they dance so well that i wish they'd adopt me and add some twist like train me to be one of em and be the youngest in the crew.hahaha im overthinking things i know.Stupidd tho!

I was thinking about watching the Lakers game.Yea i know what you're thinking!hahaha

And i got this text message from Joel confirming that a couple of homies in the group are pretty much sure that they can go on the escapade that will be happening next week-Wednesday forsure.We'll be going out of town like a hundred miles away from our city and yea it's really far.So we better fix our consent,expenses and all that if we're certainly going cos i aint a back-outer.I'd even provide my car and house over there as long as they confirm to me that everything's been fixed.LMAO Im pretty excited,i know!hahaha and im really looking forward to it cos it's like our first time to be that far away by ourselves.Imagine how cool and fun that'd be!

So thats it for now baby..Products of overthinking things.Just kidding!


At Elfred's.

Video's lagged so i just uploaded it and YouTube didnt ban it.Just kidding! But it was taken a month ago i guess.

Then pics are from yesterday when we went there.Soo much fun!hahaha

Let em do the talking!


I Must Have Firgured This Out!

i went to skool today to process my clearance for this semester and so far,it didnt go so well.I was at skool the whole time to wait for a couple of teachers to sign and apparently,im getting really annoyed with this shit but i still gotta do this.Cos if i dont,who will?Rightright?But anyway,main point..

I approached my Biology teacher about my grades and if she could sign my clearance but before i could say a word,she said "Umm,kindly stay there with them for awhile" pointing to a group of people and some were my classmates.I got tired tho so i went out of the room for awhile to talk to a few classmates who were still waiting for their clearances and i felt a li'l bit tensed about it thinkin about my grades in trouble and all that.So after half an hour,Dawn texted me to get inside the room and our teacher will explain why she let us stay.She told us we didnt get the median score or above and i was like, ' WTF This is wha'm talkin about!' but i finally firgured it out the reason myself and i was kindof expecting it in the very first place.So she told us to study a couple of chapters that we like from all of the discussions and then we could take a removal exam on it so were like "YEA!Let's do it!" and the deal was,if we couldnt pass it just like the chance she gave us,we would face the boardroom or worse,automatically retake the subject.But im pretty much sure i aint gonna fail cos imma study real real hard than before.Now i've learned my lesson.HAHAHAHA

I am currently..

*listening to Lil' Wayne's MRS OFFICER - he's tha bomb.Records are forreal!
*saving money for my earphones,clothes,gas for my car (which i guess imma use it for future) LMAO,momma's birthday gift,Erika's follow-up card,Cigg??,a shirt from OffPrice LOL or online shops,new wallet-lanyard-shirt-and-kicks from Nike,Stussy shirt,party at Breizh later,IT Log (fool tho),money for dating, and many more...
DAMN,why do i think all about these stuffs?HAHA i wanna get a job,a summer job actually.Uhmm i couldnt find one cos if i could,i shouldve applied earlier than today than this week than this month.RESERVATION's the right term.LOL but since i couldnt,i think imma do the good old summer ways of ASKING money from my parents. I aint a parasite to them tho hahaha im just thinkin of another possible options.Go to beach - and of course the Punta Bulata Beach Bash 09! I should be there!hahaha Im planning to go to Bangkok,like everything's been settled except for one stupid thing.My PLANE TICKET and there are no more vacant seats over summer and i was like WTF?!It should be like that.People are crazy!Nah,im just kidding.But i should find another way to go there.Im desperate,i know!LMAO

waht else..hmm

Im currently bored staying at home and i think i should go outta here!
I wanna eat cheesecake.
My clothes are scattering around my room,lol nasty.
I gotta fix everything in my room forsure.
Momma's about to go to Rob.
I think i should go with her.LOL She'll be kickin her party with a few friends there forsure but idk who i can go with.
I should text message a few friends.


I'll leave you guys now and stay tune for more.HAHA


School's Getting Whaky-er

Our school semester suppose to end like this week. So in addition to that,our department gave us this shit called CLEARANCE for us to sign. And talkin about it, it's like WTF??!! I mean,it's all good doin shit like this and stuff in school as long as the teachers are reach-able! You know wha'm sayin? How do they expect us to go to school next week,look for them,and then the next time we talk to their secretaries or colleagues, it's like "Ms. Blahblah will be back next week from vacation". So you know my point here now! Oh succkkka! Im confident that i passed all of my subjects for this semester and signatures aint needed at all.But for some reasons,the school requires it.But i understand that fact tho.

So i took my VAED exams earlier and tho i didnt study a single detail,i think the answers were self-explanatory and it aint that difficult compared to the last one.Hmm then one thing i forgot is that,my classmate told me earlier to go see our Chemistry teacher before 3pm cos she'll be leaving for a vacation that would last a week i think?And i damn FORGOT! So i was like,shitttt,im sooo screwed.I dont wanna go back to school over and over again.And then here goes my NSTP director and idk how to call her.And alot say shes strict and the way she talked to me a couple of days ago seemed stupid.Im sorry to say that but she aint deserve my respect.It was clear that i got a 1.0 grade but she didnt completely sign it for random reasons that she cant even explain.So whats that?!HAHA Then one thing i worry about,is my Biology subject (read the previous blogs).

Then to relax me up,after this damn stressful day,im here right in front of my laptop again,writing this blog,chatting with a few friends over facebook,downloading music for my iPod and watching funny videos in YouTube and believe me,im crackin myself now.LMAO

That's it for now.
(No more pics for awhile)
And it's my momma's birthday tomorrow so imma wrap this up now.