I am currently..

*listening to Lil' Wayne's MRS OFFICER - he's tha bomb.Records are forreal!
*saving money for my earphones,clothes,gas for my car (which i guess imma use it for future) LMAO,momma's birthday gift,Erika's follow-up card,Cigg??,a shirt from OffPrice LOL or online shops,new wallet-lanyard-shirt-and-kicks from Nike,Stussy shirt,party at Breizh later,IT Log (fool tho),money for dating, and many more...
DAMN,why do i think all about these stuffs?HAHA i wanna get a job,a summer job actually.Uhmm i couldnt find one cos if i could,i shouldve applied earlier than today than this week than this month.RESERVATION's the right term.LOL but since i couldnt,i think imma do the good old summer ways of ASKING money from my parents. I aint a parasite to them tho hahaha im just thinkin of another possible options.Go to beach - and of course the Punta Bulata Beach Bash 09! I should be there!hahaha Im planning to go to Bangkok,like everything's been settled except for one stupid thing.My PLANE TICKET and there are no more vacant seats over summer and i was like WTF?!It should be like that.People are crazy!Nah,im just kidding.But i should find another way to go there.Im desperate,i know!LMAO

waht else..hmm

Im currently bored staying at home and i think i should go outta here!
I wanna eat cheesecake.
My clothes are scattering around my room,lol nasty.
I gotta fix everything in my room forsure.
Momma's about to go to Rob.
I think i should go with her.LOL She'll be kickin her party with a few friends there forsure but idk who i can go with.
I should text message a few friends.


I'll leave you guys now and stay tune for more.HAHA