
I've come into some self realization lately about school and life now..
hahaha im quite emotional i know but i gotta pour out this shit cos man,i cant sleep.It rhymes baby!LMAO

anyway..back to the main point.

why do i keep goin to school late when theres still enuff time to wake up and do my thing every morning?hmm thats probably because im a sleepy head person and i just dont want to wake up early in the morning without completing my fixed hours of sleep.JK and i know thats stupid!hahahaha

And then..

Earlier today,i went to skool (it's SUNDAY mind you!!) cos we had a make-up class for Biology and dangg,i aint late at all cuz it was like 9am and man,i got a lotta time to sleep.We discussed about Digestive System and speaking of that system,im actually eating chocolate right now which Dad brought from Guam and lemme tell you,it's tolly kickasssssss and i want more like shit.hahahahaha Afterwards had a quite easy quiz,lol got 70utta10.lol not bad aye?:) Then we dissected frogs and man,it was disgusting forreal! I had tears,lol no homo dude but seriously,i felt nauseous and i controlled it for another hour and half of scrutinization of its parts.YEAA!And funny part is,my groupmates (4 of us-im the ONLY guy) are whackk!They were scared and i was like, 'Chill girls,it aint that scary and as if it'll eat you.hahaha)' They wont hold the scalpel and the clamp for operation so i HADDD to perform it myself and it was successful!!lol But it killed my hands and now,theyre tired!!

Tomorrow i had to wake up as early as 6am cos i have to be at school at exactly 7am cos our teacher is backk and the substitute which was suppperr patient and nice (LOL) had to go somewhere else.

And oh!I gotta find a mask for Erika's masquerade partayy that she'll be kicking this Saturday!!Im excited man,YEAAA.

Thats it for nowwww.