Who Would've Thought

that a person you trust actually someone who can betray you.LOL truetrue and fckk it cos they are deceased to society i mean,people nowadays are whack.Theyre fake! and began on hating on each other but i dont give a fckk on it cos im forreal and i guess imma stay that way.PERIOD PERIOD. Lol

thats a pretty random thought tho.Dont mind it!hahahahaha

so i was reading a blog about random people over myspace,blogger,multiply,facebook and etc and ended up searching for chicks hot photos on the internet and look what i got...

it's Megan Fox,my future wifey.LOL im having some freakin dreams right now but im sure as hell that someday i can meet her.Like a year,probably 2years?three?5?8?....OHH im depressed.Nah,i kidddd but i seriously wanna meet her that if i could rent a private jet right now and fly all the way to Hollywood and have a date with her,im gonna be the HAPPIEST man that ever existed on the Earth.hahahaha thats exaggerating i know.LMAO

So back to my thoughts,i really wanna make this straight...


1. I have to get everything done in school starting with the teachers followed by enrollment.Ughhh!
2. I need to ask money from people right here right now for my trip 3days from now but idk if it'll really happen.My homies shouldnt be whackk!
3. I should persuade my sis to drive me a couple of weeks from now to tha airport to give my princess a ride home.You'll know who she is.JK
4. I have to follow my goals on my previous blog entries.
5. I have to buy books for summer classes. (Ughh,why do we have to suffer like this?!LOL)
6. And i need to eat,bath and sleep now.I have to be early at schooo tomorrow.

-this has been GinPeeeee once again:) :)


so i woke up this morning reading a couple of "good morning!" messages on my phone and didnt reply.I was bored staying at home cuz it's just me and the maid left again and i have no NEW dvds right now.So i watched the very last episode of Prison Brek Season 3 just so to get rid of boredom.Then afterwards,i checked my phone in my room and read Dawn's message saying that i should go to school ASAP cos our Biology teacher was gonna talk about our grades and all that.

So i got ready and rush onto school and when i finally got there,it's like a no big deal thing like,everything's just as normal as it is!Damn,lol.So i approached my teacher about my grades and she showed me the papers and everything and found out that i passed all of it!YEA! So she signed my clearacne.Talked to Dawn for awhile and went home.

So my day at school went out well so far cuz i didnt get to hear some bad news.


I was watching Jabbawockeez videos on YouTube and idk what channel does the 'AMERICA'S BEST DANCE CREW' air but i do know that theres a show on MTV but i certainly think that it aint that one.LMAO I watched their performance during the Laker's Game and their dance back in 2005 on the same show and theyre damn amazing!And some of them are Filipinos just so you know (about 5 of em?) how sickkk is that?And uhm,they dance so well that i wish they'd adopt me and add some twist like train me to be one of em and be the youngest in the crew.hahaha im overthinking things i know.Stupidd tho!

I was thinking about watching the Lakers game.Yea i know what you're thinking!hahaha

And i got this text message from Joel confirming that a couple of homies in the group are pretty much sure that they can go on the escapade that will be happening next week-Wednesday forsure.We'll be going out of town like a hundred miles away from our city and yea it's really far.So we better fix our consent,expenses and all that if we're certainly going cos i aint a back-outer.I'd even provide my car and house over there as long as they confirm to me that everything's been fixed.LMAO Im pretty excited,i know!hahaha and im really looking forward to it cos it's like our first time to be that far away by ourselves.Imagine how cool and fun that'd be!

So thats it for now baby..Products of overthinking things.Just kidding!


At Elfred's.

Video's lagged so i just uploaded it and YouTube didnt ban it.Just kidding! But it was taken a month ago i guess.

Then pics are from yesterday when we went there.Soo much fun!hahaha

Let em do the talking!


I Must Have Firgured This Out!

i went to skool today to process my clearance for this semester and so far,it didnt go so well.I was at skool the whole time to wait for a couple of teachers to sign and apparently,im getting really annoyed with this shit but i still gotta do this.Cos if i dont,who will?Rightright?But anyway,main point..

I approached my Biology teacher about my grades and if she could sign my clearance but before i could say a word,she said "Umm,kindly stay there with them for awhile" pointing to a group of people and some were my classmates.I got tired tho so i went out of the room for awhile to talk to a few classmates who were still waiting for their clearances and i felt a li'l bit tensed about it thinkin about my grades in trouble and all that.So after half an hour,Dawn texted me to get inside the room and our teacher will explain why she let us stay.She told us we didnt get the median score or above and i was like, ' WTF This is wha'm talkin about!' but i finally firgured it out the reason myself and i was kindof expecting it in the very first place.So she told us to study a couple of chapters that we like from all of the discussions and then we could take a removal exam on it so were like "YEA!Let's do it!" and the deal was,if we couldnt pass it just like the chance she gave us,we would face the boardroom or worse,automatically retake the subject.But im pretty much sure i aint gonna fail cos imma study real real hard than before.Now i've learned my lesson.HAHAHAHA

I am currently..

*listening to Lil' Wayne's MRS OFFICER - he's tha bomb.Records are forreal!
*saving money for my earphones,clothes,gas for my car (which i guess imma use it for future) LMAO,momma's birthday gift,Erika's follow-up card,Cigg??,a shirt from OffPrice LOL or online shops,new wallet-lanyard-shirt-and-kicks from Nike,Stussy shirt,party at Breizh later,IT Log (fool tho),money for dating, and many more...
DAMN,why do i think all about these stuffs?HAHA i wanna get a job,a summer job actually.Uhmm i couldnt find one cos if i could,i shouldve applied earlier than today than this week than this month.RESERVATION's the right term.LOL but since i couldnt,i think imma do the good old summer ways of ASKING money from my parents. I aint a parasite to them tho hahaha im just thinkin of another possible options.Go to beach - and of course the Punta Bulata Beach Bash 09! I should be there!hahaha Im planning to go to Bangkok,like everything's been settled except for one stupid thing.My PLANE TICKET and there are no more vacant seats over summer and i was like WTF?!It should be like that.People are crazy!Nah,im just kidding.But i should find another way to go there.Im desperate,i know!LMAO

waht else..hmm

Im currently bored staying at home and i think i should go outta here!
I wanna eat cheesecake.
My clothes are scattering around my room,lol nasty.
I gotta fix everything in my room forsure.
Momma's about to go to Rob.
I think i should go with her.LOL She'll be kickin her party with a few friends there forsure but idk who i can go with.
I should text message a few friends.


I'll leave you guys now and stay tune for more.HAHA


School's Getting Whaky-er

Our school semester suppose to end like this week. So in addition to that,our department gave us this shit called CLEARANCE for us to sign. And talkin about it, it's like WTF??!! I mean,it's all good doin shit like this and stuff in school as long as the teachers are reach-able! You know wha'm sayin? How do they expect us to go to school next week,look for them,and then the next time we talk to their secretaries or colleagues, it's like "Ms. Blahblah will be back next week from vacation". So you know my point here now! Oh succkkka! Im confident that i passed all of my subjects for this semester and signatures aint needed at all.But for some reasons,the school requires it.But i understand that fact tho.

So i took my VAED exams earlier and tho i didnt study a single detail,i think the answers were self-explanatory and it aint that difficult compared to the last one.Hmm then one thing i forgot is that,my classmate told me earlier to go see our Chemistry teacher before 3pm cos she'll be leaving for a vacation that would last a week i think?And i damn FORGOT! So i was like,shitttt,im sooo screwed.I dont wanna go back to school over and over again.And then here goes my NSTP director and idk how to call her.And alot say shes strict and the way she talked to me a couple of days ago seemed stupid.Im sorry to say that but she aint deserve my respect.It was clear that i got a 1.0 grade but she didnt completely sign it for random reasons that she cant even explain.So whats that?!HAHA Then one thing i worry about,is my Biology subject (read the previous blogs).

Then to relax me up,after this damn stressful day,im here right in front of my laptop again,writing this blog,chatting with a few friends over facebook,downloading music for my iPod and watching funny videos in YouTube and believe me,im crackin myself now.LMAO

That's it for now.
(No more pics for awhile)
And it's my momma's birthday tomorrow so imma wrap this up now.


Uh oh.

so school today was pretty stressful and crazy.Got to school at around 7:30 and exam started at 8 and my effort of rushing-to-school wasnt worth it cos i actually thought our teacher was gonna shut the door and leave a notice saying (MAKE UP EXAMS WILL BE ON MONDAY AT 7am-which prolly wouldnt happen) and shitt,i aint gonna go to school cos it's like one of my anticipated dayss, the SUMMER BREAK! lol So we had our final Biology exams and damn,it was craaazzzyy!

Lemme give you a short break down to know the origin.lol

So i woke up at 5am (which supposedly at 4am but for some reasons,i wasnt in the mood of waking up and not determined at all) to study for my Biology exams.And even i woke up a lot later than 4am,i felt like i havent slept for like 48hours tho my room lights were killing my eyes. So yea,thats what happened, i havent studied a single detail tho i had stored some of it from the previous discussions and just hoping that it would comethe way it should.hahaha so i slept for like 30mins? and woke up at 6:30 so i tried to fix everything up as fast as i could and i was rushing on it cos i had to hitch for my brother to drop me to school. And in the middle of the road,i actually sensed that i forgot something.And dangg,of all the things i should forgot,my PHONE was the lucky one. SUCKKSS cos i wasnt able to text my friend from somewhere out there LOL and a few people i like to talk in the morning.hahaha So i borrowed Kaye's phone to tell dad if he could bring my phone to school cos i need it badly,nah not really.But i still need it tho!


i sucked at answering the questions and it was hard knowing that i havent studied on the exam topic (my seatmate actually asked me if i studied on the exam topics and i said "what topics?" (lol stupid) and she said "about blahblahblah" and i was like "shit!!forreal?i thought we're gonna have the whole coverage" and she's like "hahaha you stupid!" so exam was about to start right after she told me those and i was completely kawawa knowing that i'd absolutely succckkkk!) but not that much tho.I got a low grade,but not soo low to make me disappointed tho i had to make-up for it in Comprehensive Exam (which i know it'd be hard,complicated,looong,headaches and nosebleed-JK).So afterwards,went to a couple of school areas to find for a few teachers which will SUPPOSE to sign our clearance and dang,only a couple did sign.Not bad tho cos atleast we were the first among the rest.Bwahahaha!

Then went to the canteen to chill and eat.Then exams for skills again and while we were waiting for our turn,we blasted up Jackie's mp3 without any thought that our teacher was just behind out room and then she goes like "uhmm" (looking at Dawn patiently-ya see?); then Dawn was like tensed and immediately found a way to turned it off but she could find the right button and our teacher was like "I thought this is a classroom,not a disco room" and when she left,everybody left in the room stared at Dawn and laughed.hahaha But Dawn aint mad tho,she actually laughed over it knowing that it aint that bad.hahahaha

Mainly,i passed my skills exams (dont ask about the grade-just tellin you that it's not low nor it's high,just average maybe).

That afternoon,it was our comprehensive exam and i was completely shocked that it ran to 200items all in all and 50 questions in a row and i was like DDDDDDAAAAMMMMN!My nose is bleeding,i need help right here! But sure tho,i had mild headaches after answering all of the questions which im 60% sure that i answered some correctly and some were succckkkaa!LMFAO havent known the results yet but hopefully,im gonna pass cos damn,it consist of 20% of our whole grade for Freshmen and it will either pull u up or down-ya seee?!LOL

Jvel was mad at US-English Group (with no exceptions) for not making out obligations for our thesis right.Trish and I went home straight right after our comprehensive exams and Jvel was kindof in good mood and the next thing i know,Kaye texted me that Jvel put something on the papers i printed and she was extremely mad that she dont even wanna make something for our project anymore and i was like "aight there she go again.." hahahaha

I guess imma wrap it up for now and i had to study for my Chemistry exams tomo.


Statement Aint Good.

Heads Up!! Dont loook down.Homies dont want to see you frown.

Tho many have been putting you down,
shitt nigga show them you can wear a crown.
and many haters want to throw shit on your face
but listen homie we're here to defend and not to disgrace
dont need to elaborate
fuckers can exaggerate
but my thing can contemplate
to every details you will create
so thats one thing you should appreciate
cos i aint here to depreciate!

and if them shawty are ones that make your life happy
well man,i can give you one or you can have MANY
in this world you should trust carefully
cos some people might hate
and abuse you mentally.
These some li'l rhymes for you homie
i aint tryna make this shady
cos i'll be givin some real love
to realist people that i have.


-Gin Peeeeeeee.


So today's just another superdddooooper boring day.I went to skool and dint attend PE class cos shit it starts at 7am and im all stressed out last night so thats the reason why.LOL just attended the 2nd period class which was Chemistry and it was Nikka's birthday.Happy Birthday to her (lol as if she could read this hahahaha) and ate some bread which our lovely Ms. Jonie bought for her.LOL how nice aye?? Discussed some stuffs i couldnt understand.LOL only took us an hour and a half for quiz and lectures.Then Trisha,Dawn,Eva and i decided to hit IT Log Park (I-Cafe) for some action on...LEFT4DEAD hahaha yea,it was so much fun and Dawn had a lot of it like she craved for more (damn,Trisha and I were really a bad influence.LOL thats nothin tho!

Went to Robinson's to meeet up with my sis (lol we havent hanged in like FOREVER-that was kinda best time forsure).I bought uhh,nneevveerrmmiinndd:) JK and then we went home.

I was on my laptop the whole time when i read an article about Francis M. (i watch tv the whole time and it makes me stay when Francis M's on the show) - sad tho:( he died and Philippines is at stake now.HAHAHA i kidd!but anyway,it's really sad knowing that he somehow had contributions in the Philippines industry (hiphop,rap and all those good stuff) and made Filipinos more proud of it.BonVoyage Francis M...

Mom decided to go out of town (she went to lola's place with my cousin) cos she'll be talking to lola about lotta stuffs and idk idk.Im here at the house stuckk all alone.Sis,her friend and her baby went to their friend's place.Brother went to his buddies for group studies and apparently,Nanny aint here cos she at the neighbor's house the whole time.So clearly,i do things (such as couch potato,watch dvd,facebook,blogg-right now,and read stuffs on the internet and readers digest-yea im a nerddooo JK) when im home alone.

Im just glad that the girl i want to date kinda has a thing on me right now but i wont be sooo sure about it cos shitt man,frustration could kill me and i hope that wouldnt happen.

Shout out goes to J (the girl) for giving me a chance to show my thing these past few days. :) :)


Made For My Homies.

hahaha im sorry if you're (talking precisely to my homies) kindof disappointed reading this thinking you can get alot of some real talk.Too bad,this is all random.LMAO

Starting up with..

JC-Dude,i've gotta get you in Erika's list.It's like,i really want you (and Fred) to be there.But if i cant do anything to change her mind,it's ok tho.We can still meet after the partayy at some place forsure.Hope you're all FREEEE.

Kevin-Man,we've gotta find a mask and a gift like..tomo or some other day before the 14th cos shitt,i cant find legit and suitable stuffs for the celebration and i was thinking about stuff toys or other memorable stuffs.hahaha

Fred-brothaa,i was hoping Erika was gonna go for our agreement but it didnt come out right and now,im disappointed.But i regained myself about bright side and hey,it's your brothers birthday so you're gonna be out somewhere as well.

Daniel-Man,you're whackk!SHOW YOUR SELF!!!!hahaha

Thats some un-real shit for ya'll and hope you can read this.



I've come into some self realization lately about school and life now..
hahaha im quite emotional i know but i gotta pour out this shit cos man,i cant sleep.It rhymes baby!LMAO

anyway..back to the main point.

why do i keep goin to school late when theres still enuff time to wake up and do my thing every morning?hmm thats probably because im a sleepy head person and i just dont want to wake up early in the morning without completing my fixed hours of sleep.JK and i know thats stupid!hahahaha

And then..

Earlier today,i went to skool (it's SUNDAY mind you!!) cos we had a make-up class for Biology and dangg,i aint late at all cuz it was like 9am and man,i got a lotta time to sleep.We discussed about Digestive System and speaking of that system,im actually eating chocolate right now which Dad brought from Guam and lemme tell you,it's tolly kickasssssss and i want more like shit.hahahahaha Afterwards had a quite easy quiz,lol got 70utta10.lol not bad aye?:) Then we dissected frogs and man,it was disgusting forreal! I had tears,lol no homo dude but seriously,i felt nauseous and i controlled it for another hour and half of scrutinization of its parts.YEAA!And funny part is,my groupmates (4 of us-im the ONLY guy) are whackk!They were scared and i was like, 'Chill girls,it aint that scary and as if it'll eat you.hahaha)' They wont hold the scalpel and the clamp for operation so i HADDD to perform it myself and it was successful!!lol But it killed my hands and now,theyre tired!!

Tomorrow i had to wake up as early as 6am cos i have to be at school at exactly 7am cos our teacher is backk and the substitute which was suppperr patient and nice (LOL) had to go somewhere else.

And oh!I gotta find a mask for Erika's masquerade partayy that she'll be kicking this Saturday!!Im excited man,YEAAA.

Thats it for nowwww.


Im in School-Trouble!

so school's probably one of stressful things in my life now since a lot has happened lately and some happened before and unresolved.LOL


JC and I havent taken the midterm exams for Values Education and we havent talked to our teacher about it cos hes busy with accreditation stuff and things tahts going around the school (he's pretty much involved with it).Earlier this afternoon,we took our Values Exams for Pre-Finals but still, our teacher didnt talk about the exam that we missed and he was probably thinking of the fact taht it's too late now and he will forfeit it but give us another task.But im still worrying about it for the fact that he might tell my dad about it (that we were late that time and didnt catch the exam hahahaha).Hopefully,he wont and we'll settle this...PRIVATELY!hahaha

Our NSTP subject teacher (we call him Sir or commander whatever) gave us a task during University Week for rescue and facilitating the Amazing Race - our school's version.LOL But unfortunately, i didnt go to school and do it cuz damnnn i forgot to attend the meeting and i didnt even put it in my planner.OHMY!!and now,idk about my grades but im hoping that i can make some lame excuses tomorrow and stall as much as i could.PLEASEPLEASE i neeeed help from my friends and classmates.hahahaha im stupid,i know!! that was actually the make-up task cuz our "sir" found out that we didnt have complete attendance,not at all cuz the "appointed" officer havent given any of our attendance sheet to our "sir" and WTFFF???Of all those efforts but still we aint got nuthin??Stupidstupid and clearly,i dont wanna go back to school on Saturday doing nonsense stuffs,chillen but hellaaaa bored.OH MAN!!

Talking about major subjects,our Biology teacher gave us this hella stressful assignments to answer 3 loooong chapters in our workbook but i havent finish the last part cos i was tired and i just couldnt get the answers i neeed to get it done.But that day (deadline),i came to school late and i just didnt went ahead the classroom cos i know she'll be saying words that i dont want to hear (not BADWORDS but some words of blahblah and it's quite embarassing LOL and oh!she locks the door if it's already past 7:30 am -class starts at 7am bytheway).But that was a badluck day for me and im still worrying about it.That was the time that we checked the workbook and i WASNT THERE!!How retard is that?!I attended the afternoon class but i knew it was too late.And now,im worrying about my midterm grade cos it consists the 30% of our grade.Wha'm I suppose to do now??

That's it for now and im just hoping that there will be no more bad-school-days for me and hopefully,my grades will be all good.My parents would be soo upset if they'll find out all this.

thanks for bearing with me.hahahaha


A lot has happened lately..

thats a bit exaggerating but nah,not aLOT! So this week starting from Sunday,went to church and noticed that dad wasnt with us cos he departed from Bacolod to Manila then Manila to South America (i think they went to Guam,idk where exactly tho) and he'll be staying there for a week for vacation and stuff.Monday was all whack and tiring!Woke up at around 7ish and Eugene(bro) gave me a ride to school cos i was hella late and it was gonna be real embarassing if i came to school VERY LATE so i must hurry up.Got to school at around 7:45 and dammmmmnnn!My teacher wasnt even there and there were a like a lot of people who were late as well.Hilarious tho cos we got nuthin to do but talk about what happened last weekend.Tuesday is whackk again.LOL I really made a lot of effort to wake up as early as 6am so that i wont be late for my Biology class which starts at 7am but WTF?! we were informed that we dont have a class and make-up class would be on Sunday same time,same room.Again,i wont be able to go to church for some lame reason Grrrr.Wednesday,didnt attend PE class but attended Chemistry class at 10 (1hour late lol) and got inattentive since Trisha and I were just talking about random stuffs.Thursday (earlier today),went to school at 10 (an hour late agian for Chemistry class) but this time,i listened very well (YEAA!).Well not every moment but i tried to listen to every single detail our teacher was discussing then blahblahblah.That afternoon,English class and hella boring!As usual.

Did i miss something or what?
Well finally,i let it all out.
im bored right now and imma be fucking dead if my dad finds out that im staying up this late (it's actually 1am now) facing my laptop doing nonsense stuffs and not studying at all. So i guess im gonna wrap up now and imma have a goodnight sleep.
Im excited to go to Kaye's tomorrow and house partayy again but im not so sure that i can come.
We'll See..

Gin P.

First Up..

First post in my NEW and renovated blogger since i havent updated on my old one and pretty much,imma delete it very soon:( But anyway,im having a fresh new start with this one so i had to come up with something to impress you guys about stuffs that imma be posting here for the next few years.Or maybe more (lol we'll see).

Basically,my name is Gin and try using it for the meantime.lol im 17 and Philippines born and bred.Im a full-time student,time-d son,time-d homie,time-d servant of God, and coming up time-d boy with a job [and a girl[.YEA! Lol that's stupid actually so im gonna make this short and see what i can do.

So obviously,you can see the chatbox(CBox) right on the middle left of the main page and i suggest you should drop comments [cuz boo if you wont!!!] on every posts.It's just easier cos you dont need to put email addresses or even website's name.Just encode your name and comments,DONE!

What else??uhh,updates are pretty much coming every week [if i have time,it's usually twice a week or even more] and shoutouts are something that you should read cos it's still part of the updates but it's more interesting.Got it?!

Im posting relevan&legit stuffs anyways so no problem for ya'll.Posting shitt are a lot stressful than you think but it could be fun as well.LMAO

Hmm so once again,this has been Gin,im forreal and i know you feeeeeeel me.