
It came to the point where I dont enjoy work anymore. I cant get up at 2a everyday and expect a fully energized body throughout the day. I know this kind of job isnt strange anymore. People wake up at the break of dawn and get ready for work and idk if they're used to it but im not. I've been in this company for 5 months now and as much as I try to keep my body adjusted in this transition, I just cant. There are times that Im really in the mood for work (dont get me wrong, I render RD OT sometimes but only because I couldnt sleep no matter how hard I try to). I wish work comes handy like that, where you can just go there only cuz you cant sleep or you're in the mood and still get paid equally.

I've heard people saying that they want to resign blah blah blah but they end up staying for another month and another month and another month cuz they know they couldnt find a company that pays a big amount of money by just sitting in front of computer. The job isnt hard. I could even navigate on computers with my eyes closed (it's just an ideom lol). Point is, I just couldnt adjust. People are nice (so dont think theyre the reason why im writing this) but schedules arent.

Maybe I should give this a shot for a month or two and see how this goes. Seriously tho, you only sit in front of computer, clicking and typing stuff and get paid. I kinda like the way how it works.. Only if the schedule given is within my desired timeframes. Lol

I'm Done

I just want God to take my life already. I’m sick and tired of all this shit. Tired of people not giving a damn, tired of those who lie and say they’ll be there, and yet they never are. Tired of being treated like an insignificant piece of shit. Tired of being let down, and given up on. Tired of dealing with people who use me, and people who don’t even give me a second glance. Tired of trying to be “happy”, because I know I will never obtain it. Tired of trying to find a girl who will love me, treasure me, and not leave me behind in the dust. Sure, people read my statuses and posts about my depression, but do they actually give a fuck and try to do something about it? Rarely. That just adds on to the fact that no one cares. No one takes me seriously.


Idk why Im not good in selling things. I know i can be very persuasive at times but i cant be consistent. Theres something thats pulling me back.

At work, we're required to sell at least 12 products in a month which is hard esp for the newbies like us. We might think that if others can sell 30+ products in a month, why cant we. But seriously, there r other things that we need to prioritize at work than selling products which arent even guaranteed that we can get commission from it.

I suck at selling but hey, Steve Jobs didnt get consistently successful t first. He struggled and if he did it, why can I?!! Worrddds

I Want A Date

I want to walk up to a door nervously with a handful of flowers behind my back praying to God that my hair doesnt look stupid or my clothes dont look spiffy enough. I want to 'panagbalay' and wait for you to open the door as I stand there trying to figure out what to say when I see you as It ry to remember what I have planned for the evening. I want to be speechless as time slows down when you open the door and I lay my eyes on you. I want to tell you how beautiful you look because I know hard you worked on looking your best. I want to open the car door to let you in and out. I want to hold the door open when we get to the restaurant. I want to have a dinner full of jokes and stories as I utilize every moment to get to know you. I want a kiss at the end of the knight that will send my heart soaring. I want butterflies on the ride home with a stupid that won't go away.

What A Way To Make A Living

so as ya'll know I've been working for this company for a couple of months now and I see progress. I couldnt specify the 'progress' I noticed but i'm sure I could feel it everday whenever I come to my workplace.

1st 2 months wasnt easy. It was a roller coaster ride for me but more with a downside. I thought working in a BPO industry is easy since you only accommodate clients and get paid for basically doing easy things. But no!! My assumption stopped there. It was hard AF like everyday Im struggling!! I've even thought of quitting several times already but those thoughts were countered of the benefits I get in working for the company. To be specific, the $$$..

Earning 8-10K a month is a brand new thing for me. I get to earn em through my own blood and sweat and the feeling of not asking money from my parents anymore is just fulfilling. All I have to do is go to office everyday, take calls, have convo with my wavemates and friends and just do my job but having a good time at the same time.


Sore Throat

..is a major bitch. WTF

I hate this thing. I hate when this caught me! I feel like it's the start of an agony for the next few days!

I've been looking for the best remedy that could possibly get rid of this in a day or two but I haven't found any. Saltwater gargle may be a good option but my throat might take a week to heal. Hmm I chewed on lozenges last Friday and I guess it only worsened the condition.

I don't usually care when this happens but now, I should! I'm afraid this might be the cause of an illness this week and I can't afford to get sick. I should never get sick during my training! This job is very important and if I go absent because of this, I may be terminated. I'm just looking on the negative possibilities because that's the reality -____-

I Am Not A Coffee Person

I grew up without so much interest in coffee. I remember when I was in gradeschool/highschool, I didn't like the taste of coffee at all. I found it nasty. When I got to college, junior yr specifically, I discovered the benefits of drinking coffee but I still don't drink it on a daily basis. I drank coffee occasionally at that time until I reached senior yr where almost every break, me and my classmates would go to Kenzi/Bamboo Orange just to grab a cup.

Last week, I was on my 3-11 shift and I drank coffee just to get through the night. I had my first cup at around 3 and the second one was at 5. I felt weird at those moments. And then my last cup was at 9. (The cups are free actually, straight from the machine lol) as I drank from my last cup, I started to palpitate. I didn't even finish my coffee, I felt like I was gonna collapse. My legs started to feel weird and they were shaking! Before I could even finish my cup, I threw it out. At that time, I just remember the remedy for intoxication, and that's to drink plenty of water. Few minutes after I did it, I felt good. I was back on track! But I swear, it didn't feel good at all!

I guess my tolerance on coffee/caffeine isn't that high enough for me to stand 3 cups a day. If ever I need to drink coffee, like NEED, a cup or two would be enough.

1st Stage: Done!

I graduated from CCT last Friday. CCT is a training program in which you need to enhance your communication skills in several aspects: online assessments (quiz), oral assessments (impromptu and mock calls) and written assessments.

Online assessments: these were the quizzes we took online. 9 assessments and they consist of 20 items each. I never failed one. The lowest score I got was 17/20. It wasn't easy cuz the questions were too basic but they were very confusing, especially if you over analyze them. I guess only 5 of us (out of 20) didn't get failing grades. It wasn't a big deal though cuz it only comprised 10% of the overall grade but still, you need to pass it in order for the trainer to analyze which field in english grammar is your weakness.

Oral assessments: now, this is the most intense part, I shall say! First assessment, you need to tell the trainer and everyone else a lil bit about yourself, your expectations from the class and your educational/professional background. I found it very easy because it was just basically about me and it's like talking to a friend or the interviewer. The second one: we needed to pick a question and answer it instantly with no time to think about. It was pretty hard since we had to talk for 2mins straight without dead air for it'll be taken against us. The trainer tested our grammar, pronunciation and point and she gave comments & suggestions afterwards. Third one: we needed to pick a question again, but at that time, it should be for 4mins! And again, straight without dead air. I was grasping for words and I felt like I needed to pick the right words and juggle the vocabularies for me to get a good grade. We were all given 4mins and we had to utilize it very well. The trainer didn't give comments/suggestions afterwards cuz it was our final speech, do or die!  My question went like this, "if you were to judge a coolest book ever written, what book would be given that award" It was tricky AF since I don't read books that much. I chose the book that I only read when I was in highschool and it saved me forreals! I wasn't confident but I know I passed it somehow. I was thrown into that situation where I needed to answer instantly for 4mins. I couldn't think of a book, I was staring blankly at everybody in the room for more than 10secs. Uggh glad it was over. The final assessment: mock call. That wasn't hard at all. We were given a call flow to memorize and I'm glad I was able to do it. I didn't get a perfect score but my score was enough to get me through that successfully.

Written assessments: this one wan't that hard. We just had to answer the questionnaires with what we basically know about the American culture/beliefs/traditions/personalities and what not.

These assessments helped us to enhance our communication skills in field of grammar composition, pronunciation, American accent and confidence as well.

I'm just glad I passed it! We all did actually! 9 days of torture from that class (sweet torture lol) and we all made it to the next round. The most important thing is, it brought us all together and strengthened the relationship we've had since day one. Ahhhhhh :)

After our graduation night last Friday, we went to Pipeline to celebrate and just to have fun. Destressed ourselves and made the most of the night. We hit McDo Lax afterwards and stayed there til 6a! It was one of the best nights I've ever had, I guess :D


Some people may say, 'it's just Convergys, like any other company'. But I tell you, it's not like 'any other' company nor 'any other' call center. It's a company where everyone is given a chance to have a career and step onto the ladder of success until they reach the top. Like I said, everything isn't easy in that company. The benefits and compensations (salary/awards) explain it all! That's what I thought at first and I thought that with my capabilities, I could be successful in like a snap of a finger. But when I entered the orientations and training, I realized that there are just too many good and well-trained employees and they became successful because they've worked hard for it! And then I knew why they just want quality people to survive the recruitment process (application/interviews), training and the overall employment protocols.

Next round: PST

Gstaad, A Good Hole-In-The-Wall

Since Jade moved in to her new apartment (East Park Residences), we've been seeing this mini restaurant right outside the building. The first time we tried eating there was the day when Jade moved in. Well, we didn't technically try eating cuz we just bought sodass and took off. Ok so the first time was actually when I came to her apartment and we figured out where to eat at the moment and we decided to try eating there. We were curious!
Boss had the biggest spareribs meal I've ever seen in the city, Jade had chicken pesto and I had fried chicken. Lemme tell you, they were tasty at such cheap/affordable prices! I don't have pics to show at the moment cuz I haven't taken any since the first time we ate there.

And then we brought Led to try the dish he wanted. He had lechon kawali as his first dish and he liked it very much. He's in love with Gstaad's sisig! We all are actually.

And then we've tried sisig, sate chicken, shawarma rice, cheese sticks, nachos (campisenos), luncheon meat, chorizo de Antique (I guess) and etc. We've tried different dishes and it didn't disappoint us! We're always accommodted accordingly and the staffs are nice.

For group of friends with big appetites (like us), I suggest going to Gstaad - located at East Park Residences just behind Panasiatic/East Block Veranda. I'm sure you'll like it there + you don't need to spend alot unless you order extras, beers and what not. It's also a nice place to chill without having so much people around you.


It's funny how right before I decide that I want to have one of those deep down heart to heart father0son talks that I am reminded why I never bothered trying in the first place. I swear, I can't talk to anyone because no one cares to even remotely understand or listen to me. This is why all my family ties feel through the cracks.

You. You keep popping everywhere like damn.. -___- Making me somewhat notice you, which leads to me wanting to be with you again. Not going to lie, I did like you, and feelings were basically the same, but lol. I don't even want to elaborate more about this. Let's just say you didn't want us to go anywhere, because of some reason. Ugh, lol. hate this shit, but shit happens right?

Your Opinion Doesn't Matter When I Like Someone

I don't care if you think they're unattractive, I don't care if you think they're weird, I don't care at all about what you think. the last time I checked, you're not the one who likes them. So I don't understand why you even care if they're this or that or why I even like them. I don't care if they're not the "best" person out there, but out of everyone, I chose them for a reason. You just don't see them the way I do so just shut up!

Simple friends.

While me and my friends, Jade and Neil,  were having dinner, something came up in my/our minds. Idk how the conversation exactly started but it was a perfect moment to voice out what I noticed and feel about them and my group of friends in general.

I am extremely grateful that I've found them. Major points have been added to the positive impression towards them. Why??

Rich and simple are two words that exactly describe them. Lemme include Lendly (@lendzEra) in this one. They're basically rich. Jade's mom works in the states and earns thousands of dollars a year. Neil's family has a business involving cars with multiple branches in and out of the city and his parents earn alot as well. Lendly's family owns one of the famous restaurants in Hinigaran city. I don't wanna state my family's business whatsoever cuz this entry isn't about me.

What I noticed is that they live simple lives. Not too simple but compared to other 'rich' kids in my city, they don't act spoiled or make-themselves-obviously-rich. They just live life with money as one of the basic daily needs, not using them luxuriously. They do that once in awhile but not all the time. They're not 'pasosyal' or worse, 'social climbers'. I don't even know if they've ever thought how rich they are! And I am very impressed with them!!

If they want certain things like latest gadgets, branded/expensive clothes and apparels, and even cars, they can definitely ask their parents and they'll get it right away. But they don't.. They're just contented of what they have! Jade's previous apartment costs her 7-9K a month and she's the only one living there. But when she graduated from college, she felt guilty to ask more for than 10K a month from her mom just for herself alone so she transferred to a cheaper apartment to decrease the burden from her mom and to save as well. See?? If she could stay in the same apartment and ask more than 10K/month from her mom, her mom will just give it to her, but she doesn't want that anymore. She wants to earn money by herself as much as possible. And Neil, he doesn't complain to his parents about new shoes or clothes or latest gadgets just to satisfy him. His principle is just to look clean even though the clothes he wears isn't branded whatsoever. As long as he has his car with him, he's good. He doesn't want anything else, that's all.. And Lendly told us that he wants to work to help his parents even though his parents don't need money from him but still, he wants to do it. Since his happiness involves latest gadgets, he told us that he wants a job as soon as possible so he could buy things like these by himself alone and not to depend on his parents anymore. 

While we were talking about this, I've compared them to the other friends I have which are somehow opposite to their personalities. There's a difference! And I realized that you don't need to go to fancy restaurants or buy expensive stuffs most of the time to be happy. All you need is a good company who accepts you for who you are without the need to spend alot to fit in. So I can definitely say, there's no pressure. PURE FUN! And if there's a group of friends that I'm proud of, I must say they are one of those. FANTASTIC 4!

I'm a Sucker For Little Things

I’m not the type of person that wants to be rained with gifts. To be honest, I hate all that fancy shmancy stuff. I’m simple. Just a hi or hug can make my day 100x better.

I Need To Start Taking Myself Seriously

I mean I always thought I was already doing that, but I guess not. Cause if I was, I’d spend less time on partying and more time on getting my shit together. I’d find ways to make myself happy rather than searching for someone to do that for me and last but not least, I’d find things to do in my free time like volunteering or playing a sport, instead of laying in bed and being lazy. I’m too able-bodied to sit around. Life is passing me by and I’m not even enjoying it the way I should.
This ends now.

25 Napping Facts Every College Student Should Know

25 Napping Facts Every College Student Should Know

It's almost cruel the way adults ease children into life outside of the house. They got us on board with the whole going to school thing by letting us take naps in pre-school. But then, come kindergarten, no more naps! Nothing but 12 more grades of trying to focus all day without a siesta. But now, friends, it's a new day. In college you have two-hour chunks of free time between classes, just aching to be filled with some snooze action. And every now and then, a nap might take priority over going to class. For those times when you can't decide which road to take, think back on some of these facts about napping, and we're confident you'll know what to do.

  1. It makes you smarter

    According to Dr. Matthew Walker of the University of California, napping for as little as one hour resets your short-term memory and helps you learn facts more easily after you wake up.
  2. Abandon all-nighters

    Foregoing sleep by cramming all night reduces your ability to retain information by up to 40%. If you can, mix in a nap somewhere to refresh your hippocampus.
  3. It doesn't mean what you think

    If you know you have to pull an all-nighter, try a "prophylactic nap." It's a short nap in advance of expected sleep deprivation that will help you stay alert for up to 10 hours afterwards.
  4. You can't avoid that down period after lunch by not eating

    Human bodies naturally go through two phases of deep tiredness, one between 2-4 a.m. and between 1-3 p.m. Skipping lunch won't help this period of diminished alertness and coordination.
  5. Pick the right time

    After lunch in the early afternoon your body naturally gets tired. This is the best time to take a brief nap, as it's early enough to not mess with your nighttime sleep.
  6. Hour naps are great

    A 60-minute nap improves alertness for 10 hours, although with naps over 45 minutes you risk what's known as "sleep inertia," that groggy feeling that may last for half an hour or more.
  7. But short naps are best

    For healthy young adults, naps as short as 20, 10, or even 2 minutes can be all you need to get the mental benefits of sleep, without risking grogginess.
  8. Drink coffee first

    The way this works is you drink a cup of coffee right before taking your 20-minute or half-hour nap, which is precisely how long caffeine takes to kick in. That way when you wake up, you're not only refreshed, but ready to go.
  9. The NASA nap

    A little group called NASA discovered that just a 26-minute nap increases performance by 34% and alertness by 54%. Pilots take advantage of NASA naps while planes are on autopilot.
  10. Can't sleep? Don't stress

    Even if you can't fall asleep for a nap, just laying down and resting has benefits. Studies have found resting results in lowered blood pressure, which even some college kids have to worry about if they are genetically predisposed to high blood pressure.
  11. Napping may save your life

    A multi-year Greek study found napping at least three times per week for at least 30 minutes resulted in a 37% lower death rate due to heart problems.
  12. More nap benefits for the brain

    Not only will napping improve your alertness, it will also help your decision-making, creativity, and sensory perception.
  13. But wait, there's more

    Studies have found napping raises your stamina 11%, increases ability to stay asleep all night by 12%, and lowers the time required to fall asleep by 14%.
  14. The ultimate nap

    According to Dr. Sara Mednick, the best nap occurs when REM sleep is in proportion to slow-wave sleep. Use her patented Take A Nap Nap Wheel to calculate what time of day you can nap to the max.
  15. Fight the Freshman 15

    Research shows that women who sleep five hours at night are 32% more likely to experience major weight gain than those sleeping seven hours. A two-hour nap isn't feasible for many, but napping is a good way to make up for at least some lost night sleep.

  1. If it was good enough for them…

    Presidents JFK and Bill Clinton used to nap every day to help ease the heavy burden of ruling the free world. Of course, they also had other relaxation methods, but we won't get into those.
  2. Do like the Romans do

    In ancient Rome, everyone, including children, retreated for a 2 or 3-hour nap after lunch. No doubt this is the reason the Roman empire lasted over 1,000 years.
  3. Don't wait too long

    The latest you want to wake up from a nap is five hours before bedtime, otherwise you risk not being able to fall asleep at night.
  4. Sugar is not a good substitute for a nap

    When we are tired, we instinctively reach for foods with a high glycemic index, but after the initial energy wears off, we're left more tired than we were before.
  5. It's a good way to catch up

    If it takes you less than five minutes to fall asleep at night, you are sleep deprived. If you never can seem to get to bed earlier at night, a mid-day nap is a great way to catch up on sleep.
  6. Underclassmen need more sleep

    Freshmen and sophomores who are still in your teens: you need up to 10 hours of sleep to feel rested. So odds are, you are sleep-deprived.
  7. You'll have to leave the party sooner

    After one school-week of not getting enough sleep, three alcoholic drinks will affect you the same way six would when you are fully rested.
  8. Don't drive drowsy

    Don't be afraid to take advantage of an "emergency nap" on the side of the road in your car. Every year, as many as 100,000 traffic fatalities are caused by sleepy people behind the wheel.
  9. The Einstein Method

    If you are concerned about sleeping too long, do what Albert Einstein regularly did: hold a pencil while you're drifting off, so when you fall asleep, the pencil dropping will wake you up. (We do not guarantee you will wake up with a 180 IQ.)
  10. Missing sleep is worse at your age

    For people ages 18 to 24, sleep deprivation impairs performance more significantly than in other age brackets.

Lately things just have been going good. I’m not worrying about anyone else but myself right now and it feels amazing. I’m starting to have a mentality that not everyone is gonna be here all the time and that some people are just temporary and i have to accept that. You’re either w/ me or without me and I’m starting not to care about anyone anymore just bc I’m starting to see the true colors of people. I can’t keep worrying and looking out for people when i don’t even realize that I’ve been doing things for others and not for myself. How am i gonna be happy when I’m not even completely content with myself. I’m just starting to accept the fact that senior year is coming to an end and i’m really starting to see who’s worth my time, who are actually my friends, &who’s actually here for me and aren’t just asking whats wrong cause their curious. The type of people i need in my life are pull through w/ what they’re gonna do. I need people who are gonna be honest with me and not sugar coat things when i ask for advice. And lately, there’s only been like 4 people who have done just that. But it’s gooood, I’d rather have 4 real friends than 20 fake ones.

After tonight i realized i’m really blessed to have friends who put a little adventure in my life. It was a good time.

I Can't Stand When Someone's Mad At Me

I start feeling guilty and thoughts start lingering in my mind. I won’t be able to eat or sleep. I need to know that everything is on good terms or it’ll keep bothering me forever. Like always, the only solution is when I end up apologizing first even if it wasn’t my fault to begin with.

Is there something wrong with me or what? Sometimes, I need to take over my pride just to keep myself from being bothered.


There’s just something about you. It’s not just one thing actually. It’s all the little things you do that’s kept me interested since day one. You’re not the same as everyone else I’ve met. You’ve already managed to enter my late night thoughts and got me thinking about you from time to time even though it hasn’t been too long since we’ve met. I just can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone more than how much I want you before. Damn, what have you done to me?

I hate complete bitchy people, I hate when they complain too much, I hate when they try to push their luck to look for the best when only they’re just losing the best by making stupid decisions. I hate people who don’t know what they want, I hate people who complain that they don’t get this or that when they do. I just hate everyone who thinks they’re so superior. I hate everyone who pretty much think they’re suppose to be blessed or some shit. I hate people who think they’ll be loved even if they’re doing something that push away that person.

I just hate everyone for many many reasons.