GF's reaction paper :)

In this world where there are different kinds of government, the Philippine democratic government made another history for the world to see. People are judgemental, no doubt. The anticipation of each citizen in a particular country are very inevitable when it comes to government and how it is being managed by a powerful official, hence, presidents play a very important role here. The diversity of people’s perception towards a country’s government is very keen that government officials are conscious about the impression of people towards them.

Philippines, a democratic country, which has a population that is pertinently putting their focus about the improvement of the Republic of the Philippines came to a conclustion that they need to answer the country’s controversial question.. can this 15th president produce a major change for the betterment of the country? In the succeeding years of the president's regime, people will see if the question can be answered by a yes, a no or.. an I don’t know.

Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, the 15th president of the Republic of the Philippines inaugurated his reign on 29th of June, 2010. He was very joyful and enthusiastic about the ceremony and to make sure that the citizens could witness another history, the officials declared the particular day, a holiday. His family, relatives, friends and even his family’s closest celebrities came to the venue, Quirino Grandstand, to witness hi’s official beginning to serve the country. On that day, as I was watching the ceremony through ABS-CBN Live telecast, I can see it in his face that he was full of hopes that his reign will be transitory since he’s an offspring of the late previous presidents, Cory Aquino and Benigno Aquino II.

While he was waiting for 12 noon for his oath taking, Philippine musicians and singers performed and serenaded the people and the presidents to make the ceremony more agog of the presidents words. It was apparently entertaining since the people were singing along and dancing happily. The people’s delegated president finally delivered his speech. People were applauding the whole time as he delivered his speech, sentence by sentence because it seems very realistic and not deceiving. Of course, it’s a-must and very easy for a president to deliver that kind of speech to make a good impression to people but is it also easy to deliver the speech by action? We don’t know. Unless we look at the future and evaluate Noynoy’s actions and contributions. I want a change, a huge and the best change for my country and im expecting the president to be very volitional in carrying out his service. Some people (adults and old people) said right after his speech that it was elusive, like they don’t understand the whole concept. Is it because they just don’t like the president and they didn’t vote for him or is it because that they know Noynoy and family Aquino’s history of deceiving people. I could care less, as long as Noynoy took a big leap in changing himself, he’d carry out his service well without dictations by moronic people around him. I believed in his speech and I was thinking to myself, no president would ever constrain his/her country for the sake of own’s benefits. Even if Noynoy will be a corruptive president in the next succeeding years, im sure he’d still do his best to give it all back to the people. It is highly hypocritical for a president to say that they don’t take even 1% of the total taxes. If Noynoy do that, im pretty sure he’d compromise and it’s a matter of give and take and he wouldn’t compel the people because of his selfishness.

Let’s just hope that this country will be successful and there’s harmony that will surround everybody to live in peace and to live a hope of a better country and better economy.

today's duty suckks! just ask me why, cause im about to cry. JK ask me via twitter: @GinSpeaks

Car Jam (Late Post)

So my afternoon class went like this. Had this History teacher who is very pertinent with subject matters related to Philosophy,History, Origins and Theology. His first day with us went well as far as I know and we had a blast during his class. He has a great sense of humor somehow but idk why I feel like falling asleep most of the time. But he was toasting me like the whole time! It was jst cool wd me. I don’t have a problem with that cause he ddnt throw me some annoying shit. He was just toasting me in a good way and like, he’d always seen me most of the time and idk why.

In the middle of the class he asked me ‘do u know what gift is?’ I said ‘yes, it’s like skills, talent and etc from God’ then he started the argument with ‘are u sure there is a God?’ I was like,’yea there is!’ and then he told us a couple of stories about how God doesn’t exist and it’s just mere fiction and all that. I was freakin annoyed to hear those words since im a Christian and I jst believe in God wholeheartedly. So I slightly argued with him about it and I was thinking ‘he probably heard my words from the other Christians so I just shouldn’t spit it out and keep my mouth shut’.

He ddnt argue wd me like he was stuck on it. When I stopped talkin to him, he stopped too. It’s act’ly my first time to encounter some atheist (idk if he’s really atheist since I’ve heard he has this Christian school for kids) who act’ly voiced out about their beliefs in science and not in God. I was kinda pissed off but oh well, he jst took those argument back by his joke but still couldn’t forget it. Idk if I should still argue with him whenever he goes inside the class but I sure will tell him something.. something that he’ll realize for the rest of his life. Im not sure if this is a good and effective idea but im sure he’ll get what I mean.


I know my dad doesn’t really communicate with me a lot, but he sure knows how to make me happy. He’s not those type of serious dad, only when it comes to something that really piss him off. But overall, my dad is a long temper type of dad. Sometimes my dad acts really immature when it comes to having fun. He jokes around the most random things ever! My dad and I always wants to get out of the house, because either we’re bored or my mom was being annoying. He always tells me things that my mom shouldn’t know until she finds out, like buying expensive things. I may be getting older and older every year, but I’ll always be my papa’s own son. I love you dad.


so me and my homie JC always decide to go anywhere but school when we want to chill and bored as hell. we just noticed yesterday that McDonald's Lacson's been renovated for idk reason. i guess they just want to add some cool features wd it. every year, they do that (accdg to my friends). anyway, my concept for tonight is i just wanna show u a cozy 'so filipino' McDonald branch somewhere at Iligan that im pretty sure you'd want to go to.


this is the most boring summer vacation ever! i dont know why i have to put up wd my school's shit and all that.. taking summer classes, suffering being teachers's pet, non-stop school projects and what not. blah! i hate school. i mean, i love school, i jst hate classes and a few teachers. i like kicking it with my classmates tho and pretty much not attending classes anymore cause all we wanted to do is hang and get drunk. JK.

to be continued (i still have to sleep for 3 hours now) deuce!


"Whenever i see your face, all i can see is conceitedness, lies and pretentious acts.. grow up!"


I’m sorry, but it disturbs and upsets me when I see people on Tumblr saying that they “hate” their mom and/or dad.

They didn’t let you go out with your friends or take that trip from Bacolod to Boracay or they take away your cell phone after a 2000php phone bill and all you can say is, “I hate you, mom and dad!” No. You don’t say that. Have you ever thought that they do these things to protect you or teach you a valuable life lesson?

As you may know, I’m not a big fan of the word “hate.” In fact, I hate the word “hate.” It’s too much of a strong word for me to handle. I say it less than “fuck,” “shit,” and “damn.” That’s how often I avoid saying such a word.

I don’t understand how you can hate the two people that gave you the gift of life. They shelter you, feed you, clothe you, raise you, etc.

I guess it’s comprehensible if your mom gave birth to you at 15 and gave you up because she couldn’t handle a child by herself and the baby daddy left her for good, but even if you were adopted by two other people, did your new guardian(s) not provide for you, ever? I mean, they cared enough to take care of you.

Yes, they can do things that annoy you and tick you off, and I can understand that you disagree with or only dislike them at times, but you should be able to get over those things fairly quickly. You have to know that they love you back unconditionally, no matter what. You are their child.

It takes a lot to hate someone, but I will never ever say that I hate my parents. Not my mom, my dad, my stepmom, or my stepdad.

If they’re considered family, they deserve my love.




Everybody thinks fussing and fighting is a sign of a healthy relationship but not in my case. Situation’s are getting worse between both of us. Knowing that we don’t see each other even a few times in a month and our conversation sometimes cut off. It’s hella been a upside down in our relationship. It’s not healthy at all, although I’ve been trynna think the opposite and brighter way but I know deep inside my heart it doesn’t seem right. Even my homies always trynna make me feel that it’s normal, normal, normal but is it?? (I need a reply, seriously)

Then as I try to think and reminisce all those problems we had, I realized that it’s my fault.. ALL THE TIME! I always say sorry and keep apologizing until everythngs back to normal again but it shouldn’t be that way. When she says sorry to me, I always feel this security that it’s good again and no more grudges. Reality check here, I admit that it’s always me who make her feel sad about our relationship, upto now. What was I thinking? Am I this bad in handling this kind of relationship, well, not this kind cause this is the first relationship I had and im serious with this. And if I am, why am I not taking this so seriously that I have to make her feel unworthy of everything! Im such a loser. Im not like those guys who can handle relationship the best way possible. I love her but I feel like shes not contented (although she always say it’s ok and she understand it but I deeply think it’s NOT - it never was!) Im making feel myself bad right now because it’s true!

This is a challenge for me, without conflicts and without her standing up to her principles and what she believes for a relationship, everything will completely fall apart. Shes right! She never was wrong. Shes very good at this “relationship” thing! And im not, which I am supposed to. Gawd, should I need a tutor. KC? Nah, this aint good! I don’t want somebody to be handling this between us. I should be standing up for myself and standing up for my girlfriend. I love her soo much that everytime we have a problem I always feel so nervous and uncomftable to function each day. I love her so much that I would give up everything even my friends’s opinions. I love her so much that every single day I think about her and not texting her makes me feel crazy [and this what it’s all about – (STORY: im being real here, not to impress everybody or further explain what really happened. I was supposed to text her and I ddnt and ur prolly wondering why.. I ddnt text her cause I don’t want her to feel useless and forgotten and made her think that I wasn’t making efforts to communicate with her. i was thinking that I have this Sun sim preloaded already and I don’t wanna waste it. I left it in the car and the car wasn’t in my house for the next couple of days cause they have to customized it and I was expecting to get it as early as possible but I wasn’t able to. Then there goes myself, sick literally that I had to go to sleep and not drop a message her on Facebook saying that I cant text her for now and MAYBE tomrw I could get my sim but I ddnt and that’s prolly why shes upset or it’s just that shes been holding her aches and grudge for sooo long that it all came as whole and she just had to spill it all out for me to realize it. Shes good, very good! No joke. A girl who totally knows how to make me realize my asshole-ness.)] now, I am having hard time sleeping and functioning each day cause there goes this BIG (for me) problem again. This is crap, a crap that I made not for the first time, second time, third time, but the crap that I routinely do.

Honey, if you’re reading this. I am soooo sooo sorry :’( sorry for everyhthing I did for the past few months of our relationship. You’ve heard me said this several times already but I’ve never been so sorry for you and for myself. It made me realize how jerk and stupid I am for not treating u the way u should be treated. Huney, I know that your status in Facebook is just the most realist shit I’ve read so far about u, standing up for what u must do and for that, it’s such a great credit for a girl to have. It sounds harsh for people to see it but they ddnt realize how much it affected me and how much it made me think that u should be the girl that you’re supposed to be. KC told me that sometimes, ur afraid to yell at me or to just be mad at me cause we might end up giving up with each other. I wont, and maybe for such a looong time that I’ve been treating u this way, u should’ve already! I jst thank you for giving me chances after chances. Im crying right now, no lie! You have no idea how much u made me realize things. How much u shot me through my heart. I love you so much and I wont give up on u. I just hope u forgive me cause I always try to become a better person, a better boyfriend for u. I have never loved a girl like this my entire life that I have to suffer each day when problem strikes. My flaws are my weakness. You are my happiness and my weakness. I think of u every single day, no other girls in my mind. I’ve learned my lesson now, very valuable one. I hope everythng would b back to normal again and Im serious with this! :’( it’s my fault and im sorry. Please forgive me. I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH IT HURTS :’(