
Idk why Im not good in selling things. I know i can be very persuasive at times but i cant be consistent. Theres something thats pulling me back.

At work, we're required to sell at least 12 products in a month which is hard esp for the newbies like us. We might think that if others can sell 30+ products in a month, why cant we. But seriously, there r other things that we need to prioritize at work than selling products which arent even guaranteed that we can get commission from it.

I suck at selling but hey, Steve Jobs didnt get consistently successful t first. He struggled and if he did it, why can I?!! Worrddds

I Want A Date

I want to walk up to a door nervously with a handful of flowers behind my back praying to God that my hair doesnt look stupid or my clothes dont look spiffy enough. I want to 'panagbalay' and wait for you to open the door as I stand there trying to figure out what to say when I see you as It ry to remember what I have planned for the evening. I want to be speechless as time slows down when you open the door and I lay my eyes on you. I want to tell you how beautiful you look because I know hard you worked on looking your best. I want to open the car door to let you in and out. I want to hold the door open when we get to the restaurant. I want to have a dinner full of jokes and stories as I utilize every moment to get to know you. I want a kiss at the end of the knight that will send my heart soaring. I want butterflies on the ride home with a stupid that won't go away.

What A Way To Make A Living

so as ya'll know I've been working for this company for a couple of months now and I see progress. I couldnt specify the 'progress' I noticed but i'm sure I could feel it everday whenever I come to my workplace.

1st 2 months wasnt easy. It was a roller coaster ride for me but more with a downside. I thought working in a BPO industry is easy since you only accommodate clients and get paid for basically doing easy things. But no!! My assumption stopped there. It was hard AF like everyday Im struggling!! I've even thought of quitting several times already but those thoughts were countered of the benefits I get in working for the company. To be specific, the $$$..

Earning 8-10K a month is a brand new thing for me. I get to earn em through my own blood and sweat and the feeling of not asking money from my parents anymore is just fulfilling. All I have to do is go to office everyday, take calls, have convo with my wavemates and friends and just do my job but having a good time at the same time.