Sweet Thing

So last Tuesday afternoon around 5? Jade and I were hella bored and decided to look for random department stores to buy things we kinda need. We went to Lopue's East and Save More afterwards. We didn't find the things we were lookin for so we decided to buy some drinks instead and just take a break from the school-related stress. Whatever, ahaha

Bought a liter of beer and we decided to drink at her apartment.

Before we even came in, Jade saw this!

She was really surprised and thought to whom was this from. So she read the letter that says 'I'm sorry from: Neil' yes, from our boss. She was puzzled and speechless. She had a few thoughts of compromising her pride but I guess it just couldn't phase her.

So we started drinking and boss came to us.

This is definitely one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. Like come'on, a bouquet of flowers for apology?? Damn, I would even skip lunch just to buy this thing right here but ohwell, I guess love can make us do crazy yet sweet things. Does it? LOL

I Finally Got My Ear Pierced.

It's been awhile since I haven't written a blog and now I think I have to make up for my absence.

Anyway, something good happened yesterday. I dunno if it's good or bad but good cause it contributes to my look somehow, bad cause my parents don't want me to have it.

So I got my left ear pierced and yea it looks good!! Thanks to my friend Jade for doing the favor. She really did well! I like it! Well, I look just a lil bit different now. One thing forsure, I'm gonna rock it the suitable way possible.

IDK what would my parents think about this but I guess they just couldn't do something if they see it because it's already there! They can't make me remove it and let it close.

I still love my parents tho. Reason why I didn't ask their permission is because I don't wanna hear the word 'NO' and idk if I did the right thing but I guess I didn't mean to disobey them. I mean, I don't even know if they're ok with it or not. I just want them to see it so they could just complain but won't make me remove it or anything. If you just know what I'm saying :)

My Wordpress Is Dunzo

I'm back readers!

The reason why I haven't logged in or updated my blogger account is because I switched to Wordpress (ginpee.wordpress.com). Unfortunately, stupid shit happened that my Wordpress account got hacked. IDK what happened but everytime I log in, it says incorrect password/username and I gave up. It's prolly because I kinda signed into my Wordpress app in my phone but it's not supposed to alter the password n stuff.

Anyhow, I aint coming back to Wordpress anymore. It's complicated and only pros can understand it all.

I'M BACK and hope you get hold of my blog for the rest of your life. Peace out!

And oh, imma be transferring some of my blog posts from my Wordpress account.