Truth Is..

We judge, we make fun, we tease, we bully, we assume, but the worst part is, after all the inconsiderate things we do, it all comes down to what thing we don’t do. We don’t think about other peoples feelings. We don’t realize that everyone has a story, a life, and everyone goes through screwed up shit. So why are people still jerks? Why do we use terrible excuses like “it’ll never happen again” “I can’t help it” “that’s how I am”? Because no one has the guts to change. Everyone talks about being different and unique, but no one really does it. If everyone could just be empathetic once in a while, think about others before themselves and FINALLY realize that no one, rich or poor, black or white, tall or short, no one deserves to be treated like shit. Then those people will stop feeling like shit. We need to stop thinking so highly of ourselves and so low of people we don’t even know. It’s so sickening to see the pain on people’s faces when someone offends them. We need to grow some damn balls and think. For once, that maybe the little things that were saying are the big things that people can’t handle hearing. And I say we, because I’m not any different, I’m a jerk too. Everyone’s just a big jerk and no one can say they’ve never judged or made fun, like I said, it’s everyone but just think, think before you speak. Think before you do. Everything starts with a step one, right