
that makes it 2 blogs in one night.Nah,just a result of boredom and trust me,it aint gonna b this way all the time.i procrastinate just so u mind has been experiencing alot of stress from skool upto boredom results to psychological fatigue LOL im getting weird now.And now u seeeee.

i hate having so much money and just spend it to some stupid shit.Honestly,im trying to save it's not working at all.Since then! Even if i'd wanna have stuffs that i wanna buy for myself and want to buy it by myself,i still couldnt do it and ended up asking money from my parents or from my bro and sis (theyre generous-i am generous,but theyre actually way generous) aight cut the crap.This week,i havent spent money that much cuz i stay all day every day at home watching some dvds or going out with KC and kicked it at her house and theres no event to attend to.No parties for now, but prolly tomorrow (weekend) imma go to Pagcor or Metrodome for some party but i still have to convince my parents about it and i hope it'd work.LOL

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: dont apply for credit cards it you're not good for it.Just try depositing in a bank and withdraw it whenever u wanna buy something cuz teenagers just cant resist on too much buying stuff and ended up spending their accounts if they have to.Thats pretty much a fact!hahaha

im so sick of skool.

its not cute seeing friends anymore. hey i see some at skool, but going out is something i miss, but dont really look forward to. i feel like all that mess is overrated.

Lakers didnt make it and it suckks bigtime! without Kobe Bryant on the playoffs kinda bores me but Lebron is keeping up in here but it all seemed like he has this determination to win and people around doubt if the rest of the Magic team just wanna be superstarsand just get into the finals.It kinda seems different but either way,they have to prove themselves right and show what they can bring on the table.It's gonna be a hella exciting championship here.

and that wraps up the things that are bugging me at the moment. im sorry i kinna wrote that for myself. and if someone is reading, sorry for wasting yout time. haaa. i miss blogging and taking pictures, but motha fckk ive been so busy to do this mess nowdays. bleh bye.


Yea so breakin it down.Theres been a pile up of foods (desserts,etc) in the fridge right now that are totally bomb all brought by my parents and relatives from some some.Nuthin much,im just trynna do some different things in my blog.Summarize-ation:

Krispy Kreme doughnuts
Calea's Blueberry Cheesecake
Hazelnut Brownie Ice Cream

Those easy to made Sushis
and Cranberry Juice

i've been really bored guys and sorry for posting nonsense stuffs dang,my appetite are juicin up all the time and imma go grab one for now.

Week At Home..

was hella boring.Had a super talkin talk talk with buddy KC (thank goodness she called-shes busy too tho thats why lol).
had to go somewhere else but apparently no allowance cuz my summer classes are over so im pretty much stuck at home all day every day this week.
My mom was considerate tho so she had been giving me manee whenever i go out (even just play video games haha)
I went to skool last Tuesday and shocked that i saw Fred and kinda surprised at the same time cuz man,i havent seen that homie for ages and i missed hanging out.Fresh as ever!
Fred,man,if you're reading this,we gotta hang out all day.3 of us (JC) can kick it.
So as i said,summer class is officially over and im free to do whatever i want again.Free from exams and studyin stuff so for now,party every night (if possible though).
Im confident that i passed a couple of subjects and worried about that ONE tho.But i just have to show my permit to the teacher and thats all she need to mark me as 'passed'.it feels like an accomplishment for me finally getting away from skool and have a break.JK
Uggh i missed Kim and i gotta see her before she leaves :(
i was shocked the first time i saw her display photo on Facebook (the two of us together lookin like we're officially in the zone LOL) and i was like, "danggg,i misss you Kim.Im sorry if im busy these passed few days but i'll make up to you,i promise!" - if i could just tell her that.

i need to update this blog but for some reasons,i couldnt.Something's keeping me from pouring some shit here but i have to.Problem is,dont have one right now.But dont worry guys,im gonna spill some crazy shits in here as soon as i get one.Meanwhile,it's soo late and my eyes are tired now - been talkin to some ex classmates over Yahoo and i missed them so much.Uggh i wanna organize a reunion.Too bad i dont have contacts from some of them.thats a wrap guys,next time.



Physics exam is finally OVER,thank goodness.LOL and it wasnt hard at all (talkin about alot of sources to cheat).Im a bad student i kno! But it was freakin hard like my head was spinning round and round solving problems by myself and i couldnt even get the right asnwers so i got answers from the people around.And i kno-100% sure everybody else did except for the few smart ones which we call 'sources' LMAO. So for now,i just wish i passed it,not jus the exams but the whole grade.And i wont b retaking it cuz it'd absolutely suckkkkk.

Today's been a stressful day for me after hearing news about something i wanted that i couldnt have for now.But thats a no big deal tho.I kno i can have it.Skool's gooood,one last exam this Sunday and summer classes will be finally over.Met up with JC,Nin,Mav last night and it was awesome.Havent seen them in like 9827394874 years,JK.I still have to see Fred tho,and Kevin and the rest of the group.Man, i hella miss my homies.


Oh Hey!

so summer skool's ending in like a week and for me,it's pretty much a new experience for me cuz i havent had summer classes before - unless i failed one but i havent and summer classes right now is actually required so not a big deal for me. It's ending tho and then another semester coming up so shii,i must complete my signing of clearance by the end of the week and enroll as the 'first one' as possible cuz i need to get in my section.Grrr first come frist serve now so i better get going. And speaking of skool,i think im not failing.My grades are ok.I think theyre just fair,nuthin to worry about.Except for Physics which actually sucks and i hate bigtime.Uggh,i just have to finish my one last exam and it'll be all gone in my mind.HAHAHA - why do skool's put up subjects in the curriculum when students arent even interested in taking it? I kno most of you prolly agree with me.I'd prolly take Physics if im taking Engineering classes or Math if i take Accounting.HAHAHA either way you look at it,it's useful yet stressful.

Aside from that,life's been good.Im not having problems no more.A1H1N1 (swine flu) aint gotten here in the Philippines and we're absolutely free from that and i thank God for that.Girls are handy :) LOL.Weather's still getting hotter and hotter and f*ckk the global warming (and people themselves not having concern about it-im afraid im one of them but im taking responsibilty now hahaha weird).It's raining sometimes cuz it'll b fckk if it's all the time.I miss my cousins and i gotta see them before summer break ends :(

thats a wrap guys.
Stay tune for more.



i dont see myself signing in blogger's like,im preoccupied with pretty much everything right now - skool (summer classes), family, some stupid problems, girls and etc. Idk why im not signing on even just once a week tho.hmm but i still like blogging i just dont know when or how - stupid right?lol

but i guess from now on,im gonna update it. Not too late to make a resoulution. oh yea DELETE that cos i know i aint gonna fulfill it anyway.HAHA

-Gin P.

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