
well,i dont post updates here anymore.Not cuz i dont want to but because i've been busy lately and sometimes,i couldnt just type a detail in my computer.Whenever i go online,i just check messages on Facebook,MySpace,Multiply and friend's updates here in blogger but i kindof feel lazy in typing stuffs here.But now,here i go.LOL i dont procrastinate much now cuz i know that imma have summer classes and i really shouldnt procrastinate starting off with blogging.LMAO well,life's been good lately.I get a chance to go out with my elder sister again.Shes prett cool now.Then,no girlfriend for now and im hella bored with my life:( i desperately need one right now.hahaha how i wish i could find a date within this month.School's getting tougher and idk if i can survive summer classes.Hopefully i could cos damn,as if i have a choice.I wont go for 5years!Holy week's just okay.I didnt do much over the week but i was bored staying at home and parents went out of town so i kicked it at Kc's house (it was good Friday) and noticed that the streets were hella calm and there were VERY few cars on the road.I was at church since Wed cuz i had to attend our church's convention and it was pretty tiring.Rollo and Jason slept at my house.It was fun tho my room was all messed up now.hahaha im having problem with sleeping tho (JK) but seriously these past few days,i noticed that i can do more stuffs during midnight til dawn especially with blogging (like what im doin right now) and it kinda feels amazing but im just a lil bit concern about my health.hmm

so i have to go to school tomorrow to finish my enrollment for summer classes and damn,im a one lazy ass kidd cos summer class starts tomorrow and i still havent enrolled yet.Idk but for some reasons,i dont feel like having a concern about school at all thinkin that it's only summer classes and i can ditch anytime.Depends ont he teacher tho but hopefully my teachers are nice and they should be!JK.I think i should just attend on Wednesday.I have no idea about my classmates but im pretty much sure that few of them havent enrolled as well.LOL lame!

I've been thinking lately about watching The Fast and Furious 09 and Friday the 13th with KC and im just thinking about the right time to do it.Im depsperate to see her now cuz we havent hanged out in like 2387974 years.(oh i think her boyfriend would go with her too but no prob at all.Kyle and i are good friends).


Aight so imma have summer classes starting next week.Hmm suckksa but i gotta do it.Or else imma have 5years in school and i hate it!

So in short,i wont have anymore options but to do it.Im kindof excited tho.It's like my first summer class ever.Like,i havent experienced this since then and it makes me somehow excited and cant wait for it.LOL having summer classes is alright.Umm,it's not that bad knowing that you'll have the same classmates and school ofcourse!LOL But i shouldnt have absences tho cos it'll really affect my grades.It's 3months with 3 subjects so what'd you expect?Half-day everyday?Nah,it's gonna be whole day and lemme tell ya,subjects arent that easy.Physics!ugggh!And Philosophy (tho i dont have any idea what'd come out.hahaha).

Enrollment started last week and i havent gotten it done.LOL it sucks tho cos the school didnt have the class schedules last week and they just released it last Friday and the heck,i didnt bring my cars,fees or whatever.Lame!And now,it's Holy Week so apparently,no office hours in school.I dont even know if there's a teacher there but i wont take chances.Im not going there this week forsure cos i have to do alot of stuffs especially in church (church's convention's coming up like a couple of days from now and it's gonna be hella busy-FUN tho) and homies as well.Imma be watching The Fast and The Furious 09 sometime this week so yea!fun way to chill.hahaha Cousin R will be sleeping at my house,together with Jase and prolly Justin.Idk.And i need to buy new dvd's now cos im hella bored stayin at home and aint got nuthin else to do.Ughh!

And lastly,i need to make a blog draft about my 3days vacation at Sipalay and i gotta edit those vids on YouTube.

Stay tune guys cuz updates will be following after this week.LOL

thanks for bearing with me.hahahaha


Night with SisterrDear.

it was a dark night (like literally), it was the EarthHour event actually and noticed alot of people participated.hahaha it was a one-time event,prolly happens every year.My sister was at Lacson that night cos she had to attend the graduation after-party of her friend.Decided to go there cos i knew i could ride home with her.On my way,Lovelle texted me if where i was and i said going to McDonald's Lacson to document the event and she said 'cool!i'll wait you here.streets lights are all off and you might pull off your documentations.Text me as soon as you got here' and i was like 'Alright'.

Didnt catch her tho:( cos they had to go home due to her curfew.But it was cool seeing her,i mean after 39872998 years,i thought she's gone but she will never be.I know that forsure. :)

Didnt get the chance to take pics cos i was late!hahaha the lights were on as soon as i got there at Lacson and i was like,WTF??!My effort and all that was all thrown out and i feel like going home frustrated.JK JK

Sis texted me that theyre done with tha dinner and they were at Dunkin Donuts.So i went there and chat with some of her friends.Then off to Mac's cos i was hungry.hahaha took pics and vids.LOL and the two of us just talked about random stuffs.


Fries Eating Contest: "Can You Beat Me?"LOL

head to Venez Cafe.There were a lot of people there and before going to Sorrento,i took this.hahaha check it out!

Then head to Sorrento,then went home.Pics are at my multiply.
