Sore Throat a major bitch. WTF

I hate this thing. I hate when this caught me! I feel like it's the start of an agony for the next few days!

I've been looking for the best remedy that could possibly get rid of this in a day or two but I haven't found any. Saltwater gargle may be a good option but my throat might take a week to heal. Hmm I chewed on lozenges last Friday and I guess it only worsened the condition.

I don't usually care when this happens but now, I should! I'm afraid this might be the cause of an illness this week and I can't afford to get sick. I should never get sick during my training! This job is very important and if I go absent because of this, I may be terminated. I'm just looking on the negative possibilities because that's the reality -____-

I Am Not A Coffee Person

I grew up without so much interest in coffee. I remember when I was in gradeschool/highschool, I didn't like the taste of coffee at all. I found it nasty. When I got to college, junior yr specifically, I discovered the benefits of drinking coffee but I still don't drink it on a daily basis. I drank coffee occasionally at that time until I reached senior yr where almost every break, me and my classmates would go to Kenzi/Bamboo Orange just to grab a cup.

Last week, I was on my 3-11 shift and I drank coffee just to get through the night. I had my first cup at around 3 and the second one was at 5. I felt weird at those moments. And then my last cup was at 9. (The cups are free actually, straight from the machine lol) as I drank from my last cup, I started to palpitate. I didn't even finish my coffee, I felt like I was gonna collapse. My legs started to feel weird and they were shaking! Before I could even finish my cup, I threw it out. At that time, I just remember the remedy for intoxication, and that's to drink plenty of water. Few minutes after I did it, I felt good. I was back on track! But I swear, it didn't feel good at all!

I guess my tolerance on coffee/caffeine isn't that high enough for me to stand 3 cups a day. If ever I need to drink coffee, like NEED, a cup or two would be enough.

1st Stage: Done!

I graduated from CCT last Friday. CCT is a training program in which you need to enhance your communication skills in several aspects: online assessments (quiz), oral assessments (impromptu and mock calls) and written assessments.

Online assessments: these were the quizzes we took online. 9 assessments and they consist of 20 items each. I never failed one. The lowest score I got was 17/20. It wasn't easy cuz the questions were too basic but they were very confusing, especially if you over analyze them. I guess only 5 of us (out of 20) didn't get failing grades. It wasn't a big deal though cuz it only comprised 10% of the overall grade but still, you need to pass it in order for the trainer to analyze which field in english grammar is your weakness.

Oral assessments: now, this is the most intense part, I shall say! First assessment, you need to tell the trainer and everyone else a lil bit about yourself, your expectations from the class and your educational/professional background. I found it very easy because it was just basically about me and it's like talking to a friend or the interviewer. The second one: we needed to pick a question and answer it instantly with no time to think about. It was pretty hard since we had to talk for 2mins straight without dead air for it'll be taken against us. The trainer tested our grammar, pronunciation and point and she gave comments & suggestions afterwards. Third one: we needed to pick a question again, but at that time, it should be for 4mins! And again, straight without dead air. I was grasping for words and I felt like I needed to pick the right words and juggle the vocabularies for me to get a good grade. We were all given 4mins and we had to utilize it very well. The trainer didn't give comments/suggestions afterwards cuz it was our final speech, do or die!  My question went like this, "if you were to judge a coolest book ever written, what book would be given that award" It was tricky AF since I don't read books that much. I chose the book that I only read when I was in highschool and it saved me forreals! I wasn't confident but I know I passed it somehow. I was thrown into that situation where I needed to answer instantly for 4mins. I couldn't think of a book, I was staring blankly at everybody in the room for more than 10secs. Uggh glad it was over. The final assessment: mock call. That wasn't hard at all. We were given a call flow to memorize and I'm glad I was able to do it. I didn't get a perfect score but my score was enough to get me through that successfully.

Written assessments: this one wan't that hard. We just had to answer the questionnaires with what we basically know about the American culture/beliefs/traditions/personalities and what not.

These assessments helped us to enhance our communication skills in field of grammar composition, pronunciation, American accent and confidence as well.

I'm just glad I passed it! We all did actually! 9 days of torture from that class (sweet torture lol) and we all made it to the next round. The most important thing is, it brought us all together and strengthened the relationship we've had since day one. Ahhhhhh :)

After our graduation night last Friday, we went to Pipeline to celebrate and just to have fun. Destressed ourselves and made the most of the night. We hit McDo Lax afterwards and stayed there til 6a! It was one of the best nights I've ever had, I guess :D


Some people may say, 'it's just Convergys, like any other company'. But I tell you, it's not like 'any other' company nor 'any other' call center. It's a company where everyone is given a chance to have a career and step onto the ladder of success until they reach the top. Like I said, everything isn't easy in that company. The benefits and compensations (salary/awards) explain it all! That's what I thought at first and I thought that with my capabilities, I could be successful in like a snap of a finger. But when I entered the orientations and training, I realized that there are just too many good and well-trained employees and they became successful because they've worked hard for it! And then I knew why they just want quality people to survive the recruitment process (application/interviews), training and the overall employment protocols.

Next round: PST